'She's So Lovely'

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The avengers only meet Peter, not Spider-man

^^ I think this is the right one^^

Summary: The avengers get back from a mission, only to see a kid all around the tower. When they confront him about it, Bucky walks in and starts talking to the kid like he knows him.

Third Person POV

It was Saturday morning and Peter and Tony were working together in the lab. "Sir, you have a meeting in 10 minutes and I suggest you go so you don't get in trouble by Miss Potts." Came FRIDAY's robotic voice. "Oh shoot, I forgot about that. You can keep working in here kid. I'll see you soon." As he left the room, he felt the need to tell Peter something but he couldn't remember. Once the meeting started, he suddenly remembered what he was supposed to tell Peter. The avengers were coming back from a mission today and they would all be at the tower. The avengers had never met Peter before and they wouldn't know who or why he is in the penthouse if he went in there. 'Peter will be fine... he's Peter.' He thought.

Bruce's POV

I was exhausted when I got back from our mission, but I couldn't wait to get back in the lab. Me and Tony were working on something before I had to leave and I was hoping to finish it with him soon. I walked down the hallway to our lab and when I got there, I heard a voice talking to FRIDAY but it didn't sound like Tony's. I quietly walked into the room and looked around the corner. At the bench was a kid looking no more than 17 years old. I wondered how he had gotten into the lab and why FRIDAY was talking to him. She only talks to the avengers and rarely some high-level interns. It seemed like he was working on a suit, although it didn't look like the ironman suit. I stood there watching the kid for a little longer before he stood up, grabbed some headphones and walked out of the room. I hid behind the door, a terrible hiding place I know, but he didn't see me. After he left I stalked over to the bench where he was working. On it was a red, gold and blue suit, one I didn't recognise.

Peter's POV

I finished up in the lab and wanted to go to the training room like I always do at 2:45, when I'm not at school. I put on my headphones and listened to my playlist. As I reached the room, I jogged over to the weights. I like to see how much I can lift and I've been able to lift more and more every day. I started with what I lifted last time, 5 000 pounds, I was able to lift it really easy so I added an extra 5 000 pounds, doubling my first weight. 10 000 pounds was still easy to lift but didn't want to accidentally push my limit and break something. After a long hour or two in the training room, I went to go have a shower.

Clint's POV

I was in the training room shooting my arrows at targets blindfolded, when I hear someone walk in. I take the blindfold off to see who it is but get surprised when a see a kid. "Hey kid. Who are you?" I asked. I got no reply and then saw headphones. He probably didn't hear me so I didn't say anything after that. I stopped what I was doing and watched the boy. He walked over to the weights and effortlessly picked up 5 000 pounds. I can only lift 150 and this kid picked up 5 000!!! He then added ANOTHER 5 000 pounds. He was easily lifting 10 000 pounds! My jaw dropped to the ground. He finished weight lifting and left the room leaving me speechless. Who is this kid? Why and how can he lift so much?

Sam's POV

I was just walking down the hallway to the training room and I see a boy walking to the avenger's private elevator, the one that leads to the penthouse. I've never seen this boy before and I don't know who he is or how he got access to this part of the tower. He started to jog as the elevator was closing and went to the floor above us, where all the avenger's bedrooms are. I had no idea what he was doing here.

Peter's POV

I was in the bathroom, I had just finished my shower and was getting dressed. I was feeling hungry because I only ate breakfast with Tony and that was hours ago, my fast metabolism wasn't making me feel any better. I stroll into the kitchen and I see Black Widow, Captain America and Scarlet Witch. I freeze in my tracks and stare at the heroes. Why are they in my house? When did they get here? If they're here, where's everyone else? "Um, hi?" I say. They turn to look at me with confusion and surprise. "Who are you? Why are you here?" Black Widow questions me. "Uh, I- I'm Pe-Peter." I manage to stutter. I then see a figure walk out of the elevator. I'd know that person anywhere. "Bucky!"

Bucky's POV

"Bucky!" That's what I hear when I come out of the elevator. I'd know that voice anywhere. "Peter?" I run to Peter and tackle him to the ground in a big hug. I haven't seen him in what feels like forever. "Wait Buck, you know who this is?" Steve asks me. "Yeah, of course I do. He's my brother." I mumble into his neck. "WHAT?!" All three yell at me. "Well, not biologically. Kind of like an adopted brother I guess. Except we 'adopted' each other." "I am so confused." Wanda says to no one in particular. "Oh, right. Peter, this is Steve, Wanda and Natasha."

Tony's POV

I go into the kitchen because that's where FRIDAY told me Peter is. When I walk in I see Peter and Bucky lying on the ground talking. Peter gets really nervous around people and he always told me that if he ever got to meet the avengers he would 'literally die'. It's odd though, Peter seems nervous when he's talking to Steve or Wanda, but talks to Bucky like he talks to me, confidently, like family. "Hey Peter. Is everything alright?" I ask him. "Yeah Dad, I'm good." "DAD?!" The others yell. "I'm not his real dad, I just think of him as my son." "And I think of him as my father." Then Steve speaks up, "Ok, so from what I understand, Stark is this kids 'adopted' dad, and Buck is his 'adopted' brother?" "What?" Did he just say that Bucky is Peters 'adopted' brother? "Peter. Why did Steve say that Barnes is your 'adopted' brother?" "Oh um, I knew Bucky before he came to the tower today. Actually, I met Bucky right after I started hanging around the tower." "How did you meet him?" I pressed. "Well y-you see," "Spit it out kid," "I was getting bullied and Bucky saw it and he helped me get rid of them. We started to hang out and talk a lot more and he was like a big brother to me. I didn't tell you because I didn't think you would ever find out and to be honest, I didn't really want you to." "Why didn't you ever tell me you were getting bullied?" "Because I had Bucky to help me handle them." He smiled and looked towards Bucky when he said that. "Right, so Stark. Back to the kid. Who is he really." Natasha said after a long silence. "He's my, uh, personal intern." "Uh huh, right."


Published: 5th July 2019

Avengers (Mostly Peter. P) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now