Field Trip to Avenger's Tower

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Peter lives at Avengers Tower

Summary: Peter's class goes on a field trip to Avengers Tower. All of the avengers have the chance to embarrass Peter in front of his class. And Peter has the chance to prove to his class that his internships is real.


3rd Person POV

Peter was sitting in class. He wasn't listening to what the teacher, Mr Harrington, saying. He was only thinking about what he was going to do when he got home to the Avengers Tower. Tony had told May to take a break and go on a holiday. And with much persuasion, she had agreed to go, leaving Peter at the tower with his avengers' family. RIIIIINNNGGG. The bell went and Peter started to quickly pack up his things. He couldn't wait to leave. 

"Class! I have some VERY exciting news!" Mr Harrington announced. Quiet murmurs rippled through the class as Mr Harrington was never excited about anything. "We are going on a field trip to...................... AVENGERS TOWER!" He exclaimed proudly as he passed out the permission forms. While the class was talking loudly, everyone could hear Peter slam his head onto the table. 

"What's wrong Parker? Scared your lie about your internship will be exposed?" Flash called out from the other side of the room. 

"Shut up Flash. Don't you think that Peter could actually have an internship?" MJ defended. Flash turned away without giving an answer. 

"I'll see you all on Monday for the field trip." Mr Harrington yelled as the class left the room. This field trip was going to be the end of Peter Parker.


"Welcome Peter." FRIDAY's warm voice echoed through the elevator. 

"Hey FRI. Do you know where Dad is?" 

"Mr Stark is in his lab working on a suit. Would you like me to take you there?" 

"Yes please." When Peter got to his Dad's lab, he walked in and held the note in front of the man at the work bench. Tony stopped what he was doing and took a closer look at the paper being shoved in his face. "I have a field trip. Here." Was all Peter said. 

"What? Give me a look at that. I don't think I approved a field trip." 

"You did sir. It was in the pile of paper work that Ms Potts gave you." Said FRIDAY as she joined the conversation. 

"Huh, sorry kid. Looks like you're coming back here for a field trip." Peter audibly groaned. This was going to be fun.


It was finally Monday and Peter's class was climbing onto the dull, yellow school bus. "Hey losers." 

"Hey MJ." Peter and Ned both greeted the girl reading her book. 

"Oi Parker, do you think that you can get the avengers to come meet us? Of course you can't. Who would want an intern like you?" Flash yelled from the back of the bus. 

"Just ignore him Peter." Ned told the boy. 

"What do you think I'm doing?"

The bus trip took about 45 minutes. Everyone on the bus looked out the windows in awe as the tower grew closer and closer. "Alright everyone, please get off the bus nicely and stand out the front of the building." All of Peter's class, aside from Ned, MJ and Peter himself, gawked at the tower in front of them. 

"Good morning Midtown, my name is Layla and I will be your tour guide for today." Peter knew this intern. She was like a big sister to Peter and would take the chance to embarrass him if she got the opportunity. "When I call your name, please come forward and collect your pass to enter the building." Peter discreetly pulled out his pass. It was gold and had a small symbol of a spider on the bottom. It was Tony's idea for each avenger to also have a symbol on their pass. Once Layla had finished handing out the passes, she walked through what looked like a metal detector you find at an airport. She swiped her card and a voice from the ceiling read out her pass. 

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