Flash's Internship

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*I read a story like this on Wattpad so if this is your story and you would like me to take it down, please just ask. Thanks*

Tony doesn't know about Flash Bullying Peter. Peter is a Stark

Summary: Flash gets an internship at avengers tower. He sees Peter go into the private elevator and goes to tell him off. He bullies Peter and then Tony comes...


"Alright so now that you have an internship here, you can't tell anyone about what you do." Tony was explaining to a new intern at the tower, Eugene, what he can and can't do. "And you absolutely can NOT let anyone into the Avengers' private elevator. If you see anyone, tell FRIDAY and I will come immediately, do you understand?" Flash shook his head so fast Tony thought it would fall off.

 "Yes Sir, completely."

"Good, now I have to go, so do whatever new interns do." And Tony left to go to his lab.

---Time Skip for about half an hour---

Flash was currently working on his first project as an intern when he noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye near the Avengers' private elevator. He looked over to the door and saw a boy, around his age, standing in front of it. He watched as the boy took out a Stark Industries key-card and swiped it. Flash thought that he would stop the boy from entering the elevator with a fake key-card and maybe get Tony to like him more. "Hey! What are you doing?" He yelled out to the boy. Said boy spun around to face Flash and his jaw almost hit the ground when he saw who it was.

 "Flash?? What are you doing here?"

"PENIS PARKER!!!!! How did you get in here!?" He said with anger laced in his voice.

"I..I," "I bet that key-card is stolen. Why would you, of all people, get access to the Avengers' PRIVATE elevator?!"

"I have an internship?" Peter asked, hoping that it would make Flash go away.

"Bullshit! I have an internship and I don't get to enter the Avengers' elevator. So, I'll ask again. Where. Did. You. Get. The. Key-card?" He said, hitting and kicking Peter with each word.

"Alerting Tony Stark," a robotic voice says. Shortly after, with Flash still abusing Peter, Tony came sprinting down the hallways.

 "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY KID!!!" A pale faced Flash stepped away from Peter.

"I..He.. He was trying to get into the private elevator so I-" Tony quickly cut him off.

"Peter is allowed to enter the private elevator, he has a key-card, doesn't he?"

"Yes he-"

"Then that automatically says he's allowed to go in the elevator." There was a moment of silence and Peter could tell that Tony was thinking of what to do with Flash. Tony sighed, "Alright Eugene, I'm going to need your key-card back and then you are going to leave."

"What, Why?!"

"Umm let me think, oh yeah I remember. You beat up my son because you didn't believe he had an internship!"

Flash carefully thought about what he was going to say to the man who just saw him hurt the person they called their son. "What do you mean your son, and why would you want Parker for an internship?"

"Well Peter is an amazing person and he is definitely smarter than you so give me your key-card and leave."

Flash grumbled a small 'this isn't fair,' handed his key-card back, watched Tony snap it in half, then strolled out of the tower like he owned it.

"Does this happen at school too?" Tony asked Peter. All Peter did was nod his head and look down at his shoes. "We'll have to do something about that," then started to go back to his lab. Peter just stood in the hallway thinking about what Tony might do to Flash now that he knows he bullies him at school too.

"No! It's fine Mr Stark you don't have to do anything about him," he paused for a second, "but can I come and work with you in the lab?" He asked hopefully.

"Of course kid, I was working on the iron man suit. You can help."

"Yeah!" Peter ran off to join Tony in the lab."


Words: 652

I kind of lost interest on this halfway through so that's why the ending is bad, I was working on the next chapter. ¯\_()_/¯.

Published: 5th July 2019

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