Families and Field Trips

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Ned and MJ aren't in this story

Summary: Peter and his class go on a field trip to Avengers Tower. Peter is excited and can't wait to see everyone so soon. Flash still doesn't believe Peter knows the avengers and bullies him about lying.


It was the last period of the day and Peter was walking into his math classroom. "Good afternoon everyone," Mr Harrington boomed to the class. "I have some exciting news to tell you at the end of the class." Peter wondered what this news was.


When the bell was about to go, Mr Harrington told the class that they were going on a field trip to Avengers Tower. Peter was ecstatic because that meant he got to see his second family when he was supposed to be at school. They all took a permission slip home and Peter went to tell May the great news.


"May!" He yelled as soon as he was in the apartment.

 "Peter? Is everything ok?"

 "Yeah everything's fine but guess what? I get to go on a field trip to Avengers Tower!" He exclaimed, practically radiating excitement. May just laughed at his enthusiasm and signed his slip. "I have to go to work now, have fun tomorrow."

"I will , bye May." Peter gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to bed.


The next day he woke up eager to get to the tower. He pulled on a pair of jeans and a science pun t-shirt. He brushed his teeth and took an apple out of the fruit bowl, ready to walk to school. He arrived to see the clique yellow bus parked out the front of the school. He handed his note to Mr Harrington and took his seat at the back of the bus.

 "Oi Penis. Do you think the avengers can come say hi today because you know them so well?" Peter ignored him. Nothing could take away his happiness right now. The bus started pulling out from the school onto the busy streets of New York. The tower came into view twenty minutes later and they were soon at the tower, climbing off the bus to get into the lobby.

 "Hello everyone, it's so nice to see you all today. My name is Chloe and I'm going to be your tour guide!" They way she talked was so joyful and bubbly, you would think that she was faking it. But Peter knew she was naturally this happy and smiled when she started talking about the key cards to get into the building.

The first stop of the tour is to the labs. Peter knows that the labs they were going into is where Bruce works when they aren't working together. "Midtown Tech is it? My name is Dr. Bruce Banner and for the next half hour you can look around my lab. Don't touch anything and don't go through the cabinets. I am just going to be here, you can come up to me with any questions about my work or what I do." When he finished he sat back down and Peter sat across from him.

 "Hey Bruce, can I help?" He asked him.

 "Of course you can Peter, I need a young mind for this to work." He smiled. Flash stood there watching as they worked at the bench. He signaled one of his friends to ask Dr. Banner a question so he would leave Peter alone. "Looks like someone has a question for me Pete. I'll be right back." He left and that was when Flash swooped in to torment Peter.

 "How'd you do it. And why would Dr. Banner want help from a 'young mind' like yours? I'm so much better."

 "Go away Flash and leave me alone."

"Fine, but don't expect for this to be over yet." Bruce walked back over just as Flash finished his sentence. Peter could see green starting to creep up his neck.

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