It's Nat, Not Tasha

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Clint's Pov

I wake up to the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. Natasha must being making breakfast again. I trudge out of my room to go eat and see Nat flipping them at the stove. "Morning Tasha," I say while yawning, "Are there any cooked yet?"

She flips one more pancake before replying. "Yeah, there's two plates over there, one for you and one for Steve. And don't call me Tasha." I know what the new nickname for Nat is. It's a risky game called Natasha a name she doesn't like but I bet you it will be funny

After I finish breakfast a thank Tasha for her breakfast making skills and she is already starting to give me death stares. I go back to my room to brush my teeth and get ready for today. I lay on my bed for a couple of hours, then Tony runs into my room. "We've got a mission so get ready and get your ass down to the main meeting room. Fury's waiting." He leaves as quickly as he came. I sigh then get out my uniform and change.

Once I'm in the meeting room with everyone else, Fury starts explaining the situation to us. "I've assigned you all to a partner that I think you'll work efficiently with." He throws a sheet of paper onto the and we all check for our names.

Tony and Steve

Thor and Bruce

Me and Tasha

And Wanda and Peter (Yes, spider-man is an avenger in this)

"Look at that Tasha, partners again." She rolls her eyes.

"Commander Hill will pick you up in the Helicarrier when you're done, Alright. Everyone leave, get going." Director Fury yells.

---Time Skip---

Our mission was a small HYDRA base in Brooklyn. Tasha and I had finished our part of the mission which was to sneak in and take out the leader. Well... it was more like Nat's mission to take out the leader, all I had to do was be a distraction. All eight of us were waiting for Hill to get here with the Helicarrier. "So guys, how was your part of the mission?" Steve blushed while Tony smirked. Wanda and Peter were discussing before they came up with an answer. Thor and Bruce agreed that it was alright.

The Helicarrier was soon in sight and we made our way over to an open area. Tony flew Steve and Tasha up while Thor carried Bruce and I up. "I'm guessing it was a successful mission?" Maria asked as soon as we got inside.

"Yep, that HYDRA base is gone now."

She gave a nod then left to go talk to Director Fury. "How you going Tasha? Did you like the mission Tasha? Hey Tasha, can you go get Tony please?" I taunt her while she's taking off her shoes. "Is he asking for a death wish?" I hear Tony mutter under his breath

"I said cut it out!" She yelled the began to chase after me

She ran after me for the entirety of the ride home and when we landed it was like the race of my life with her chasing me. We ran through the streets around the tower until I saw a park near-by. I know for a fact that this park has spikes and prickles and she won't be able to chase me because I'm wearing shoes and she's not. I sprint through the park to the slide. I climb on top to catch my breath and turn to see her standing on the edge of the path. But what I don't expect to see is Nat darting towards me.

"Get back here bird-brain before I kill you!"

I leap off the playground and sprint down an alley. Yeah I know, not the best place to go when you're being chased but I thought that I could lose her. I glance around at where I am and see broken glass all around me, Nat won't be able to get to me here. I hope. I see a streak of red pass by the front of the alley and I knew she had run past so I sat on the ground for a rest. A dark figure looms over me and when I look up, Natasha's standing there with the most murderous look on her face.

Natasha's Pov

I speed past alley by alley knowing that Clint would be in one of them. I just know him like that. Why does he always have to aggravate me so much. 'Tasha. Tasha. Tasha.' That's all I've heard him say. I turn me head to the side and see Clint standing obviously in the middle of it. I've run past the alley so I turn around a peek around the corner, watching Clint as he sits down with his back leaning against the wall. I stride over to him with a dark look on my face, with the smallest little smile in thought of how I'm going to hurt him later. Towering above him, he looks up then immediately starts apologising.

"Nat please. You know that I'm sorry and I won't call you Tasha anymore. You can hurt me later but can you at least wait until we get back to the tower so that I have the doctors there near me so that I can get to them quicker. Please, please, please don't kill me. I have so much to live for!" He wails.

I smack him on the cheek. "Fine, I'll wait until we get back but that only means you have to start running again."

He gets up with a groan then jogs out of the alley, beginning to speed up the further he goes. Oh the pain he's going to receive when we get back.


I know this is a bit shorter than they usually are, sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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