Mr America's Birthday

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This was a prompt

Summary: After Steve came out of the ice, everyone believed his birthday was the 4th of July. But Bucky doesn't know why Steve doesn't correct them.


Almost like some background information

Back in the 40's when Steve was in the army as Captain America, someone asked him when his birthday was. And, of course, he panicked and said the fourth of July to sound more patriotic. Ever since Steve came out of the ice, everyone believed that his birthday was the fourth of July. And because he never corrected anyone or told them his real birthday, no one knew. Steve really did want to tell the avengers when his birthday was but thought that is he told them, they would publicly expose (and for that matter, embarrass) him for not having his birthday on the fourth.


Steve's POV

I sigh as a get out of my bed early in the morning. It's the fourth of July, the day I celebrate my birthday even though it's in December. I remember after the ice, everyone thought that I was born of the fourth and I didn't want to tell them that is wasn't because otherwise the avengers would embarrass me in front of the public. I walk out to the kitchen where everyone is already awake and making breakfast. That's weird seeing as it's only 6:30 in the morning. Usually they only get up about 9.

"Morning Capsicle, we're making your birthday breakfast. It should be ready soon." Tony calls to me from the kitchen. I go sit on the couch and turn on the TV to watch the news. The first thing I see is a banner at the bottom of the screen with a picture of me in the middle telling everyone that it's my birthday. I am quick to turn the TV off before Bucky can see.

Bucky has only been released from the winter soldiers mind for five months, which means that he wasn't able to wish me happy birthday on my real birthday. I'm just worried because Bucky isn't really that smart and I don't want his uncovering my secret that I've kept for so long.

Bucky's POV

I wake up in the morning the same time as I do every day. I smell something delicious coming from the kitchen which is odd because no one, aside from Steve, is awake at 7 in the morning. I creep out to the kitchen and that's when I see the team putting up banners, blowing up balloons, and making a cake. "Whose birthday is it?" I ask genuinely confused because I don't think that it's any of the avengers'.

"Check the date buddy. It's the fourth of July." Clint says to me. I know that the fourth of July is a holiday but they are putting up banners that say, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'. 

 "I'm not sure. Whose is it?" I ask again.

"Of all the people here, I think that you would be the one to know whose birthday it is." Natasha replies. I give a blank stare and I think they finally understand that I don't know who they're talking about.

"Bucky... It's Steve's birthday. You didn't forget, did you?" Sam questions. I look at them like they're crazy.

"No it's not. Steve's birthday is on the-" but I get cut off when Steve enters the room. I want to see how he'll react when he sees they're celebrating his birthday five months too early.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!" They chant. Steve smiles and says thank you to them all. I don't get why Steve isn't telling them about his real birthday because I know it's not today.

--- REALLY BIG Time Skip (about 5 months)---

Bucky's POV

It's Steve's real birthday today, 11th of December. I made a card and got him a present that I'm sure he'll love. I walk around the tower trying to find him and give him his present but I have no clue where he is. I see the other avengers and am about to ask them where Steve is, while also reminding them that it's Steve's birthday.

Steve's POV

It's my real birthday today and no-one has said anything to me today, which is a good thing. I go to the living room with the other when I over-hear Bucky ask them a question. "Do you guys know where Steve is? I have something to give him."

"Ooh, what have you got for him and what's the occasion?"

"It's Steve's bir-"

"NO!" I yell as I tackle Bucky to the ground and cover his mouth with my hand. This seems to shock the other avengers. "Uh, I mean. Hey Buck, let's go talk somewhere else."

He gives me a confused look as I help him off the ground. My hand still covering his mouth. I lead him to my bedroom and that's when I remove my hand from his face.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT STEVE?!" He asks me loudly.

"SHHHH, be quiet. The others don't know that today is my real birthday." I say to him in a whisper.

"Why not?" He questions, crossing his arms in front of him.

I hesitate, not really wanting him to know the truth and laugh at me. But he's my best friend and I tell him everything.

"Well... after I came out of the ice, everyone thought that my birthday was the fourth of July because I am Captain America and I told someone back in the 40's that I was born on the fourth. I was too far in the lie and I didn't want to tell anyone my real birthday because I just know that the other avengers would publicly embarrass me. So I'm always so paranoid that some historian is gonna find my birth certificate and expose me." I say, all in one breath. He looks at me in a weird way then bursts out laughing.

"Just wait until I tell the others." He says between laughs. He sprints out of the room before I can catch him and soon enough, he is standing in front of the other avengers. They're all red faced from laughing but they promised that they wouldn't tell anyone about his real birthday.


Words: 1010

Published: 5th July 2019

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