Chapter 7: Memories

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When I got a call from Elijah in the middle of one of my sessions, I never thought that I would hear that my daughter had a hand full of pills in her hands

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When I got a call from Elijah in the middle of one of my sessions, I never thought that I would hear that my daughter had a hand full of pills in her hands. Was my daughter hurting that much and I didn't see it? Was I too wrapped up in my own misery to see that she needed me?

"Is everything okay?" My therapist asks as I rub my face trying to process what I just heard.

"I have to go. My daughter just-" Tears start to pour out of my eyes. Just the thought that I was going to lose another person in my life kills me. I pull the keys out of my pocket and rush out of the room before my therapist can stop me. When I make it home, Elijah was standing outside of Willow's room on the phone, with who I can only assume is Ava, his mother.

"Daniel just got here. No, Mom, you don't need to leave work. I'll see you later. Love you." Elijah slips his phone into his pocket and walks quietly over to me.

"What happened? She was fine when I left earlier," I ask as quietly as possible. Elijah had told me on the phone that Willow was asleep.

"I don't know. I had a feeling that something wasn't right and I rushed out of school. I got here just in time. She didn't want to talk and so we just laid down in bed and I held her until she fell asleep," Elijah says frantically while running his hand through his hair. I look at him and he is as bad as I am. This boy is in love with my daughter. I would hurt him just as much as it would myself to lose her. I can't even imagine what he would have felt witnessing someone you love attempt suicide. I put my hands on the sides of his arms to try and calm him down.

"Hey, it's okay. She's going to be okay. We are going to help her as much as we can. For now, just let her sleep and I will set up an appointment with my therapist. She is not going to be allowed to be alone unless she is sleeping."

"Okay." I check on Willow and see that she is still asleep. Elijah slips back into her room and pulls her close to him. I know as a father that I should be against this, but he is exactly who she needs. I call my therapist and they told me that we can come in tomorrow. I don't understand why or even how this happened. I thought that Willow was okay. I know that she has been quieter recently, but I never thought that she would resort to that.

The next day...

After I had gotten ready for the day, I walked into Willow's room and I see her staring out the window, leaving Elijah alone in the bed still asleep. I walk over to her and I put my hand on her shoulder causing her to jump.

"Dad," she yelped.

"Why are you dressed?" She asks gesturing towards my attire.

"We are going somewhere, so that means you need to get dressed too," I reply. I walk over to Elijah and I wake him up and he gives Willow a soft smile and leaves the room. I meet him out in the hall.

"Do you think that she knows what we are doing?" He asks, yawning.

"No, but she needs this. Go get dressed, you are coming with," I say walking away from him and going downstairs. About half an hour later, they both come downstairs. We all get into the car and make our way to the counseling office.

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