Chapter 9: All the Love

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1 month later

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1 month later...

The past month has been the most interesting month in a long time. Maybe not interesting, but more normal, and for me that is interesting. Willow is finally more like herself and I am so proud of the progress that she made. Willow is actually not in the country right now, she went with her Uncle Matt and Aunt Abby to see Matt's family who lives in Europe. Apparently, Matt has a brother that married into royalty and they are going to visit them. He also wanted to see his other nieces and nephews. 

She won't be back until the day before Valentine's Day. I'm so alone and bored. She was supposed to text me when she landed, but she hasn't yet. I thought she forgot about me until...

'Made it.' 

'Good. It has only been 12 hours but I'm missing you.'

'I'll be back on the 13th.'

'I know, but that is in two days. What am I supposed to do until then?' Damn, I sound needy. I know what I need. I need some Willow loving. Hold up, what? Man, I have problems.

'Idk bug Mark or something'

'He is busy with Murphy. I have no one. You left me alone.'

'Needy af' I know, you don't need to tell me that, Willow.

"You know it.'

'Whatcha doing?'

'Avoiding unpacking'

'Well, get to it.'

'Fine.' I lock my phone and I throw it next to me. I can't wait until she gets back.

2 days later...

It is pretty early in the morning... Who am I kidding? It is freaking 4 in the morning. I woke up to a text from Willow that said that was boarding the plane. Okay, I didn't wake up to it, I actually fell asleep. She sent it at 8 last night. It was super early in the morning for her. Anyways I made my way to the airport and we waited for their flight to land. I checked the board frequently for her flight number to change from in air to arrive. I am normally not am inpatient person, but this is Willow we are talking about. My phone beeped and I pulled it out to see...

'Just landed and finally have service back. You better be waiting or else I'm coming for your ass' 

'I'm here and waiting. Leave my ass out of this'

'No, I won't. Oh shit, I have to get off the plane, see you in a few'

I slip my phone back into my pocket and I head towards the area that she will exit out of. Not where the plane exits, but it is where you go when leaving the 'secured area.' I'm standing there with my hands in the pockets in my jeans. I see her walk down the ramp and she doesn't see me until she looks up. With only her bag in her hands she runs towards me a pulls me into a hug.

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