Chapter 17: Looking Back Part 3

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 "Fine, a couple of months ago

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"Fine, a couple of months ago..."

A Couple of Months ago...

With finals quickly approaching, it has come to me that I really need to get my life together. These aren't like finals for the semester. They are the ones that determine if we graduate. People are telling me that I am preparing myself for these finals like 2 months early, but I like being prepared. Willow is out with Kate at the library working on some assignments for a psychology class they have together. Here is a rundown of all our majors. Both Kate and I are getting a BA in teaching, mine for kindergartners and her's for high school. We both are finishing up our student teaching in the next couple of weeks. Willow is getting a BA in psychology and then continuing to get her Ph.D. in counseling. Elijah is getting a BBA which is business administration, which is also what Toby got when he graduated. Mark is getting a BS in criminal justice and then after we graduate, he is attending the police academy that is back home. Anyways, it may seem like I'm going a little crazy with everything, but there is so much to get done before graduation, like jobs and apartments and stuff. Yeah, I'm not ready for that. We actually have to be adults.

I set down my textbook and I pull my laptop off its charger. I open up my browser and I load up some websites and I start to look at apartments back in Ohio. Oh, god. How am I supposed to pay rent? With a job, dumbass. I open another tab and find a website with job listings. Do I try to get teaching right away or do I get a job that pays me well to begin with? Ugh, too many options. The more I scroll, the more I start to panic. I can't do this. Nope. Nope.

Toby and I both got texts telling us to meet Willow and Kate back in their dorm

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Toby and I both got texts telling us to meet Willow and Kate back in their dorm. We were supposed to get them from the library, but they told us that they were getting something for us and we going to be later. So here is the deal with Toby and me, even though we have known each other for almost 4 years we still aren't incredibly close. Don't get me wrong, he is a great guy, but we never had the chance to bond. I like him, but not that way. Anyways, Toby met me by the girl's dorm room door.

"Hey," he says locking his phone and slipping it into his pocket.

"Hey," I say pulling out my keys. Before I can unlock the door, Toby taps my arm.

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