Hard Times

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It's been five days since Erin left. Johnny hasn't really mentioned anything about what happened to the gang. He hasn't really mentioned her at all. He's trying to hold it all in...just like he does everything else. His parents. The Socs. He doesn't talk about. He doesn't want to worry people with his problems.

He walked into the Curtis house, masking his expression to nothing. He sat down on the couch beside Ponyboy, who was absorbed in a book, and watched the TV. So many thoughts were running through his head. He wondered every day if Erin heard what he said. When he was explaining her, the girl he liked. He wondered what she was doing at this very moment. If she was going to come back.

All those thoughts running through his head. He's kept it in so long. So, so long. He stood up and ran to the bathroom. He shut the door and leaned against it, slowly sliding to the floor with tears running down his cheeks. "Why did she have to leave? Why?!"

Johnny was heartbroken. He was tearing apart at the seams. There wasn't a waking moment that went by where he didn't think of Erin. He wanted so badly for her to be back. He wanted to hold her in his arms, to kiss her. He wanted to do some much, but he has no clue if Erin can even return those feelings. He has no clue if she will even make it back to Tulsa. And that breaks him.

"Johnny?" There was a knock at the door. "Johnny are you okay?" Ponyboy's soft voice asked through the door.

"Go away!" Johnny called. He wasn't in the mood for a lecture. He didn't want to hear anyone's opinion. The only person he wanted was Erin, just like he did when she was in the hospital.

"Johnny, please let me-"

"NO!" Johnny yelled. He barley ever yelled. He barely ever lost his temper like this. It was clear this was really bothering him. "Go away, Ponyboy! Leave me alone!" He heard the sound of feet disappear down the hall.

Now that he was alone he could finally let it all out. He cried, sobbed, on the bathroom floor. Once he was all done, he stood up and looked at his reflection in the mirror. Pitiful. His clothes were dirty; he hasn't changed in days. Anyone could tell he's been crying; his eyes red and puffy. He's letting his emotions get the best of him, but it's about time he lets it all out.

After a while, he gains enough strength to go back out to everyone. No one says anything as he enters the living room. They all know that this is really taking a toll on him. He just plops down on the couch again, masking his expressions like he did before.


Erin was in English, minding her own business when she hears boys snickering and pointing at her. She sighed, ignoring it and trying to concentrate on her work. Somehow, word had got around, and people think she's crazy.

"Hey, Erin," One of the boys, Kevin, called from across the room, loud enough to make everyone stop and listen. "You really think you went inside a book? What else, did you fall in love with one of those dumb greaser boys?" That sent him and his friends into a fit of obnoxious laughter.

Erin dropped her pencil and just stared at them. She stared at them with so much hate in her eyes. These boys were some of the popular boys at her school, and it was clear that people will believe what they say. If a bunch of popular kids thinks she's crazy, then the whole school will too. "Yes, I did go inside the book. You're just too stupid to remember the original story," She shot back.

The whole class fell silent after that. "Erin! Kevin! That's enough! If I hear another word out of you two you both get detention," Her teacher yelled. Before Erin looked down she shot a glare at Kevin. Him and his friends were still had smug grins on their faces.

After another 20 minutes of silence, the bell finally rang. Erin jumped up, grabbing her things and ran out of class. Thankful, she didn't get stopped by her teacher or Kevin. Her friends were already at her locker when she got there. "How was English?" Katlyn asked. "I enjoyed it. But I got to read most of the time because I kept getting all my work done," She bragged.

"Horrible." Erin slammed her locker shut and began walking with the girls to gym. "Kevin made fun of me. He asked if I really thought I went inside a book, and if I feel in love with one of the 'dumb greaser boys'."

Her friends all looked at each other. They were worried about her response. "What did you tell him?" Paige asked.

"I told him that I did go inside the book and that he was too stupid to remember the original."

"Erin." They all stopped in the middle of the hall. This time is Rachel who spoke up. "We are seriously worried about you. You really think all that is true?"

"Yes, I do. It did happen. I explained the original version to you the other day and you still don't remember. All the stuff that happened is real. And...and maybe I am in love with one of them. I really like him, but I don't know if he likes me. Blanca said he does...she believes me. She's the only one who does."

Paige let out a laugh. "Well she's dumb for believing that. You're going to have to stop this before the whole school turns on you." Paige has had enough of Erin's shenanigans.

Erin just looked at her with disgust. "How dare you! Blanca is one of my best friends, and she's the only one who believes me! She remembers the original unlike you all! She doesn't think I'm crazy!" She was yelling now. So much for not trying to draw attention to herself.

"Look, lets just drop this for now. I don't want to be late," Katlyn said. It really didn't matter that much if they were late for gym, but Katlyn isn't the one to get into trouble. They all walked to the gym in silence. Erin was still holding a grudge over what they said.

They were back to talking when gym was halfway over. But they were in the middle of a dodgeball game, so it was kind hard to talk. "Hey, Erin," Shelby yelled. Shelby Masons is the most popular girl in school. "Catch!" She threw a ball, hitting Erin right in the face.

Erin fell to the ground to the sound of Shelby's laughing. "Maybe that will knock some sense into you," She heard her say. Erin's friends had gathered around her when she went to stand up.

"I'm gonna kill her," Erin muttered. Of course she didn't mean, but she was mad. Her friends had to hold her back, scared she would do something drastic considering the way she's been acting.

"Too bad you don't have your little greaser friends here," She jibed. Erin was ready to pounce her. She had had just about enough for one day.

"Oh shut up, Shelby." She yelled at her. Shelby gawked at her before Erin ran out to the bathroom. She knew Shelby would probably follow, but she did it anyway.

"Excuse me? You can't talk to me that way." She heard a voice from behind her say. It was Shelby.

"Yet you have every right to treat me like crap? That makes total sense. You should just keep your mouth shut for a little while." She tried to walk out, but Shelby blocked her.

"Then who would be the one spreading rumors? I overheard you and your little friends talking the other day. You're crazier then you look."

Erin wanted to bad to slap her. She's never been the type of person to fight, but if it's for a friend, or if she's mad enough, she will. But, of course, she wasn't going to make the first move and get herself into trouble. So she tried to steady her breathing to calm herself.

"Not going to speak, huh? You seem pretty talkative when your talking about your fictional boyfriends."

Erin drew her hands into a fist. "Can you just mind your own business. My life is bad enough already without you in it."

"Aw. Is no one believing you? Bet they all think your crazy." She laughed a little. "They're not wrong." Erin growled at her. "You seem mad," Shelby said innocently. "I didn't mean to make you mad, I just came to check on you."

"Can you just get out of my way?" Shelby gave her a devilish smiled before letting her pass. Erin ended up walking behind her on the way back to gym. When they entered the gym doors, Erin heard Shelby say something.

"Weirdo." She then gave her another non friendly smiled.

Erin wished so badly she was back in a Tulsa where she didn't have to deal with all the drama.

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