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Erin smiled as she came through the door of her—no, their—house. Light babbling could be heard from the other room along with the stomping of feet. Darry came from the living room holding a baby in his arms.

"Thanks again for watching her, Dar. I'm sorry I had to call you on such last minute. My usual babysitter canceled and—"

Darry chuckled. "It's no problem. I'm always up for watching the little one," he said as he rubbed his finger under the baby's chin, making it laugh.

"What do I owe you?"

"It's fine. I don't need anything."

"I'm not taking no for an answer, Darry," She said, reaching into her purse and pulling out her wallet. Darry started talking, saying that he didn't want or need the money. Erin just shook her head and kept counting the correct amount of money.

She placed it in his palm and folded his fingers over the cash. "Take it. Please. I owe you."

Darry sighed. "Fine," he said, knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere with her.

Darry walked out, both him and her waving goodbye. She had to tell Riley, her little baby girl, to wave goodbye. Riley lifted her arm and moved her little hand up and down.

Darry laughed a little before calling out the word "Bye!" one last time.

"Well," Erin breathed as soon as the door slammed shut. "Looks like it's just me and you until Daddy gets home."

"Dada!" The little one yapped. "Dada!"

"Yes," Erin smiled, nodding her head. "Dada will be home from work soon."

All little Riley knew was a few words. She couldn't form sentences, which was normal for an eleven month old. She couldn't even walk, unless you call grabbing onto furniture to help support her walking.

Erin walked into the living room and sat Riley down. She immediately stood up, took a step or two before falling. After two times of that, she crawled over to the item she wanted.

Riley tossed a stuffed bunny to the floor a few feet in front of her. Erin laughed at her and reached out to grab the toy. "What are you doing?"

Riley crawled over to her mom and stood up when she reached her. "Up!" She would say.

Erin reached down and picked her daughter up off the ground and into her lap. Riley grabbed her bunny and started to play around with it, shaking it, making it walk. She made the bunny walk all on her mother. She stopped when she caught sight of her mother's shiny, gold necklace. She reached out and pulled it.

"Ack! Don't pull that, baby."

"Mine?" Riley pointed at herself. "Can have?"

"No, sweetie. That's Mommy's. Your daddy gave that me."

"Mine!" She called again.

"No, Riley. Here." She picked up her bunny and made a kissing noise as she touched the stuffed animal's face to hers. It made her giggle and she reached up and took her toy.

Johnny came home about an hour later to find his two girls playing together on the floor. "Dada!" Riley called. She reached her hands out, wanting him to grab her. Johnny did as she wanted. He lifted her up high, let her go, and caught her. It was games like that that almost all fathers or boys loved to play on kids. Johnny loved doing that to Riley just to hear her little laugh.

He adjusted Riley in one arm before wrapping and arm around Erin. "Angel," he said and kissed her. "How have you been? How was work?"

"Good. Good. I'm just happy you're home for the weekend."

"Me too, Angel. I feel like work consumes me sometimes. I miss seeing you," he kissed her on the forehead. "and you!" He kissed Riley on the forehead as well. He sighed happily. "Ya know, I was thinking about taking a few days off to spend time with you girls."

Erin smiled at him. "Really?"

"Yeah! I can't think of the last time we had a family day. The last time I really remember spending lots of time with you was after we first got married."

Erin laughed, leaning her head against his shoulder. "But that was before we had this little one." Erin ticked her belly, making her laugh. "You sure you can handle a more than a weekend with her?"

"Oh, Erin. She's my daughter, of course I can."

"I meant can you handle getting her dressed and feeding and stuff?"

"Mmm...I might just leave that to you."

"You ain't fit for nothing, Cade." Erin rolled are eyes.

"I fit perfectly with you, though."

"That's not what I meant, stupid," She said, smacking his arm. Riley followed her mother's actions, laughing loudly.

"Maybe I need to spend a little more time with her. She's starting to become more like you," Johnny said with a grin.

"You know that's not a bad thing."

Johnny smirked and shook his head. He sat Riley down in her play pin before wrapping his arms around Erin's waist. He leaned forward and kissed her. He kissed her passionately before pecking her lips multiple times.

"I love you so much, Angel. I don't know what I would do without you."

A/N oh my gosh!!!! It's the end! This makes me sad because I really loved this book so much! I remember staring Wishes Can Come True and not being able to stop writing it. I finished it in a little over a month. I know it took a little longer for this book, but I didn't have the entire thing all planned out. I had half of it. But still, it was so much fun and super cute!

I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it!!!

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