Eye on the Prize

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Erin woke up the next morning. Her head was still had some pressure, but no where near as bad as it did last night. When she stood up she still felt a little tipsy, but, again, no where near as bad as she did last night.

The whole house was quiet—she found out when she stepped into the living room that only Two-Bit was home. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty. How you feeling?" He asked her.

"My head still hurts," She mumbled as she ran a hand through her hair but only getting it matted in the tangles. "Can I have food?"

Two-Bit gave her a small smile as he stood up and walked into the kitchen. Erin followed behind him, a little unsteady. She sat down at the kitchen table and waited for Two-Bit.

"Where is everyone? What time is it? I feel like crap."

Two-Bit couldn't help but almost chuckle at that last statement. But he bit it back and said, "Work, school, or just gone off somewhere. I figured it would be best for someone to stay with you. Darry wanted to, but I convinced him that I would be the best babysitter. Especially considering I get drunk all the time. I know how to deal with the crappy hangovers."

Erin nodded as Two-Bit slid a plate from that mornings breakfast across the table. Erin stared at the food and started to pick at it. After a few minutes she finally started to take small bites.

It was almost like she had caught some bug. At least last night she felt pretty good. Besides feeling like she would fall on her face, the headache, and the fact that she threw up in the grass, of course.

Being drunk sucks. Having hangovers sucks.

Two-Bit hopped off the counter and grabbed Erin's plate. "Hey!" She cried.

He laughed and sat it on the couch. "Come here," He said. He walked over to the TV and turned it one before channel surfing to find Mickey. He plopped down on the couch and patted the spot beside him.

Erin walked over to him and sat down. She was slowly picking at her food again before finally deciding she didn't want it.

Erin had fell asleep on the couch at one point, but when she woke up she was back in her bed. She didn't know how she got there, but she figured Two-Bit must have moved her. When Erin woke up she was feeling a lot better than she was before, and she knew that by tomorrow things would be normal. Hopefully.

Erin had the most oddest dream while she was asleep. She was behind the school with Shawn, Bryson, and Christiana again. They were about to hurt her when Johnny came flying from the sky in a Superman suit. The Socs tried to run, but Johnny got ahold of them. He beat them up and told them not to come around Erin again. Erin thanked him and he flew her home.

Erin couldn't help but laugh at how odd yet cute it was.

When she walked into the living room for the second time that day, she noticed most of the gang there this time. "Hey, Erin," Sodapop was the first to speak. "How ya feeling?"

"Better," She replied.

"That's good," He grinned at her and she grinned back.

She walked outside and stood on the porch. She could hear footsteps behind her. It was Johnny. No one said anything at first—they just stood and gazed at the stars. It was almost like nothing had happened. They this was a normal night. Like the nights they would have at the lot where they would star gaze and sit by the fire and blabber about their day.

"You were right," Erin finally spoke. "They were just like all the other Socs. I shouldn't have trusted them."

"I wish I would've been there to save you."

In my dream you were, she thought before grinning. She forced herself to quit smiling so Johnny wouldn't ask any questions. She didn't want to explain that crazy dream to him.

"It's fine. I needed to learn my lesson. Never trust a Soc..." She trailed off and sighed. "I just...I know there's good in them."

Johnny smiled at her. "I like that. That you try to see the good in people. But some people...there's not much of a good side to them. They like making people miserable." Johnny looked down and sighed. Erin knew he probably had a bunch of people on his mind while saying all this. His parents were probably on the top of that list. "Some people there is just not hope for."

Erin nodded and looked him in the eyes. His brown eyes were sparking in the moonlight. There was so much pain, so much fire in them. They told a story. A story of a sad, broken boy who just wanted to get away from all the hurt in the world. A boy who hoped for a better world. A boy who tried to see the good in people. But he knew the score in this town: don't put your trust in anyone who shouldn't be trusted. Don't turn your back on people.

"I know...but I believe there could be good in anyone. If anything, just a little."

"Yes, but you can't go around trying to befriend the enemy. You seen what happens if you do, and I don't want you getting hurt again."

"I don't think I'll make the same mistake again. I know who my friends are." She looked up at him and gave him a toothy smile. "I didn't come her to make friends with Socs anyway. I came here for you."


Johnny was working almost everyday just so he could save up enough money to buy Erin what used to be a Christmas present but was now birthday present. He was going to buy her that necklace no matter what it took.

Today he got his paycheck. He would have enough money to buy her the necklace and anything else he sees that looks nice. Or maybe he could take her out to the movies or to eat. He could do anything!

Because of everything that happened he's had way more time to think his plan over. He decided (he hadn't figured out if he wanted to do this for Christmas, but now he knows he wants to do it) that he was going to drive her somewhere. Somewhere far into the country and watch the sunset. So he might need some gas money.

He has fantasized about taking her to the beach and watching the sunset, but he knew the price for gas would be too much then. And the drive be fairly long. Sure, he would go out of his way to do it for her, but at the moment it was just too much and too soon. Maybe one day...

Once work was over he ran to the store. He found went down the isle where he found the necklace. He smiled when he found his prize on a display case. He picked it up and admired it. It was a beautiful gold that was written in cursive.

It was perfect. Just like her.

He smiled as he admired it. He took it up to the cash register and paid for it. Compared to what Erin has told him about 2019, it wasn't much. But price doesn't matter; it's the thought that counts.

Once he paid, he ran the the Curtis house. The necklace wasn't the only thing he had planned for the trip. He had another plan up his sleeve. And the good thing about it was that he didn't have to go out and buy anything for it because Darry had all the things he needed for it.

Erin's birthday was just around the corner. February 3rd. It felt like Christmas wasn't that long ago, and it wasn't. The whole Erin getting drugged thing was now behind them. No one liked to think about it. And Johnny has been so focused on buying that present. That's what he's devoted his time and effort in for the past few weeks. That's one of the things that takes his mind off it all. He's trying to focus more on the future then the past.

He had been marking the days off on his calendar at home. Two more weeks, he thought. Two more weeks until her birthday. On his calendar he had the special day circled. He had all his plans set.

He was ready to show Erin the best time ever.

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