Safe Now

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Erin ran out of the house with Johnny on her heels. "Erin!" He kept calling. "Erin, wait!" It only made her faster. She was getting father and father away from Johnny. Johnny tried and tried but he couldn't catch up with her. When she finally stopped at the lot was when he caught her.

"I'm not leaving!" She gasped out. "I'm not leaving you guys again. I'm not leaving you." Tears were threatens to flow. She had to fight them back. "Not again. I can't leave you again." She walked over and fell into his arms.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to go if you don't want to." Johnny was trying to supportive, but, if he was being honest, he didn't want her to leave. Not at all. He didn't want his angel to leave him again.

"I don't want to and I'm not going to. If it was hard on me at first, then it will definitely be harder now since we're together. I don't want to leave you again, Johnny." She hugged him tighter and buried her head into the crook of his neck.

"I don't want you to leave either. I really don't. But that's your decision. And your friends do make a good point."

She pulled away and looked Johnny in the eyes. "I don't care what they say. I'm not leaving and that's that."

"Okay," Johnny mumbled. He had one more thing to say. His brain kept telling him that it was too early, but he didn't know what the future would hold. He knew what he wanted but the future can't always play out the way you want it to. "But...if you ever do decide to go back, or just go back at random, I want you to know that-" Johnny was cut off by a scream.

Erin jerked her head in the direction it came from. The blood drained from her face. She knew exactly who it was, and it made her heart sink. "Cassie," She breathed out. She then took off like a bolt of lightning. She was running faster than she was earlier. Faster than she's ever ran before. She had to make sure Cassidy was safe.

She skidded to a stop when she seen the car and Socs. She was hoping, praying, that this wasn't why she screamed. But Erin's worst fear came to life. She seen that the Socs had Cassidy and Blanca surrounded.

Johnny got there a few moments after Erin. He stood there, now scared. He had no clue what to do.

"Leave them alone!" Erin said. She was scared, but she was trying not to show it. Don't let them know you're scared. She kept repeating over and over in her head.

The Socs turned to look at them. They had Blanca down on her knees on the ground and had Cassidy with her hands pinned behind her back. She had tears streaming down her face. "Erin!" She called. One of the Socs slapped her and told her to shut up. She let out a little whimper as more tears fell from her eyes. She was bawling.

"Oh, well lookie here. Didn't expect to see you here, doll," One of the Socs said. Erin recognized the voice. He stepped up to her and smiled. It was Shawn.

"Leave them alone and no one gets hurt."

"Oh, no one will get hurt," Shawn gasped. "That sounds wonderful!" His voice held fake cheerfulness and he had a sicking smiled on his face. He laughed before before shoving Erin to the ground. "How about we start with your little friend first," He sneered.

He grabbed Erin by the shirt and forced her upright. He held her so she couldn't get away as another Soc walked up to Cassidy. He didn't even have a chance to touch her before Erin completely lost it. She was trying her best to get free but Shawn held her back. "No!" She cried. "No! Do whatever you want to me! Don't hurt them!"

Johnny and Blanca's eyes widened. Blanca looked as if she was about to cry while Johnny had a petrified look in his eyes. He didn't want her to get hurt. He didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Shawn laughed. "Oh, that should be fun, babydoll."

"Oh, shut it," She snapped.

"Well, that's not nice. And to think I was going to go easy on you."

He smiled seductively at her before he ran his hands down to her waist. He stopped and reached into his pocket, grabbing his switch. He looked at it and then back at Erin. He put it back in his pocket and said, "How about a little kiss before we get started?"

Erin made a noise in her throat. She shook her head continually. No, no, no, no, no, no. Shawn shoved her against his car so she couldn't get away. He and whispered, "Don't fight it." In her ear. It sent shivers through her whole body.

"Johnny!" She screamed. She tried to shove Shawn off her but he was too strong. He went to reach for his blade when Erin kneed him. He groaned and doubled over a bit. Erin took that as her change to escape. She ran but tripped over Shawn's foot.

Shawn was furious. Still in pain, he walked over to her. "Oh you're gonna get it grease."

Erin coved her eyes, waiting for a blow but it never came. Instead she heard a loud bang. When she uncovered her eyes she seen Johnny had Shawn up against the car and was holding his blade against his throat. He was yelling and swearing at him like crazy.

Then she noticed Sodapop and Steve. They must have just got there. Blanca and Cassidy ran up to Erin. Cassidy was practically holding on to her sister for dear life and she was shaking like a leaf. "Are you okay?" Blanca asked.

"Y-Yeah," She stuttered out.

She was shaking all over and she could still hear Shawn's voice in her head. "Don't fight it."

This makes Erin's third encounter with Shawn. It feels like he never leaves her alone. He's been jumping and trying to kill her friends. She hates him for that. Maybe even more than Bob.

"Erin! Are you all right?" Johnny asked. He got down on his knees beside her.

She didn't say anything. Truth was, Erin wanted to cry. That scared her to death. Anything could have happened if they didn't stop them. She could have gotten beaten up really bad—like how Johnny was. Or maybe even raped.

She wrapped her arms around Johnny and held back her tears. You're okay, she told herself. You're all right. Don't cry.

Erin let out a small whimper. "Shh. You're okay," Johnny cooed. "You're safe with me, Erin."

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