Together Again

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"Go hide somewhere in the aisles," Sodapop told Erin and her friends when he seen Ponyboy coming. He wanted to surprise him because he knew how much he missed Erin.

"Hey, Pony," Soda greeted when he came inside.

"Hey, Sodapop." Ponyboy came inside and went up to the counter with his brother.

"It's Ponyboy!" Blanca squealed loud enough for him to hear. He turned his head to look as the girls all tried to shush her. Blanca could barely contain her excitement. The fact that she actually gets to meet The Outsiders boys just made her freak out.

Ponyboy began walking over to them despite Soda's protests. Erin had ran off then, not wanting to give herself away just yet. "Hello?" Ponyboy questioned as he got to the girls.

"Sorry about Blanca," Rachel spoke up. She doesn't really know Blanca that well, so she didn't really care to call her out. "She's just really excited to meet you...and your brother." Blanca snapped at her only causing her to grin. "She loves you guys. She's just like Erin."

That caught Ponyboy off guard. She's just like Erin. She can't mean Erin Williams...can she? All the girls gave Rachel a look. If looks could kill.

Erin creeped up behind Ponyboy and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around to find Erin with a huge smile on her face. "Erin?" He couldn't believe that was her. She was gone and now she's back. It seemed impossible. But everything about her seemed impossible. Ponyboy couldn't help but pull her into a hug; he was smiling himself, almost ready to cry.

"I missed you, Pony. How've you been?" She asked when he pulled away.

"Better now that you're here," He said with a grin.

She laughed. "Good. Because I'm going to be staying for a while."

He smiled. But how long was "for a while"? No one had a clue. Erin wanted to stay forever, but she had no clue about her friends. Sure, Blanca might want to stay...but her other friends?

"Where's Johnny?" No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get Johnny out of her head. Sure she was excited to see everyone, but Johnny stood out to her. They had something special, but she was taken away before it become anything greater.

"He went to the lot. He didn't want to come." He paused, looking down at the hole in his shoe. "He's been kinda distant since you left."

Erin thought back to what Soda had told her minutes ago. That Johnny has been torn up because she left. She had to see him. "I have to go." She looked at her friends. "Stay here. If Pony goes home you can go with him. You don't know you're way around town yet, and I don't want you getting lost or jumped."

They all nodded their heads and Erin ran off. She ran all the way to the lot before coming to a stop. She hadn't realized how excited she was to see them. To see Johnny. She had a huge smile when she seen him. But as she got closer that smile turned to a frown. He was on the ground with his head in his hands. Soda was right, he was torn up.

"Johnnycake?" Erin said softly.

He looked up at her with tears staining his cheeks. "E-E-Erin." He stood up and ran to her. He pulled her into a hug. All the tears he's been holding back finally fell. Erin pulled away and looked him. His eyes were read and puffy, but through all the sadness he was smiling. He was thankful to have his Angel back.

"Don't cry," She told him as she wiped his tears away. "It's okay. I'm here."

He smiled at her and rested his head on hers. "I'm glad you're back, Angel."

She let out a small laugh. "I missed that nickname." She smiled wider. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Johnny wanted so bad to kiss her. He stared into her eyes. He could get lost in those beautiful green eyes. He wanted so bad to tell her. To tell her that she was the girl he was talking about. Since she hadn't mentioned it, he figured she might not have heard. That or she just wasn't bringing it up. But even if she did know, he wouldn't mind saying it all again.

He was getting ready to lean in when Erin broke her gaze, looking down. "What's wrong?" He asked.

She looked back up at him. "Nothing. Sorry. I was just thinking." Dang it! You missed your chance, Erin! She mentally kicked herself for it. She wants to know if Johnny really likes her. She wants to know if what she's feeling towards him is real. But she's scared. She's never kissed anyone before and the thought made her nervous.

"It's fine." Johnny paused for a minute, not looking away from her. "How have you been?"

"All right. Besides the fact that I'm getting bullied and they are rumors spread around school about me being crazy for going inside a book. Other than that, I'm all right."

"Woah, woah, woah. People tease you for that?" She nodded and he pulled her into his arms. "I'm so sorry. People shouldn't be like that."

"It's fine. I know it's real. I know what actually happened. My friends took a lot of convincing. It took them just being here to realize I was telling the truth. Well, except Blanca. She believed me when I first told her." She pulled away and looked at him again. "Speaking of my friends, they came here with me. They are at the DX with Pony and Soda. Come on and I'll introduce you."

She grabbed his hand and pulled him along. They walked down the road with their hands still in each other's. When Erin finally noticed, she pulled it away and said "Sorry." She didn't want to do that. She liked holding his hand. But she was confused, and she keeps blowing her chances of finding out if Johnny actually likes her.

"No. It's okay. I-I like it." He then took her hand back, intertwining their fingers. She looked down at their hands before looking back up at him, a smile growing on her face. She scooted a little closer to him and kissed his cheek. His face went beet red and he was smiling like an idiot.

Erin let out a little laugh. Adorable.

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