In This Together

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"Erin, are you okay? We saw Shelby follow you. Did she say something mean or anything?" Paige asked, grabbing her stuff off the bleachers.

"No, she didn't," Erin lied. She didn't want to tell her friends sense they have trouble believing her anyways. And she knew they would want to get involved, and she didn't want to get them into trouble. This was Erin's battle, not theirs. "And I'm fine."

"You sure?" Katlyn asked, putting an arm on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Erin grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulders, dragging herself to her next class. Her next class was History, and she had it with Shelby. And what makes it all even better is that Shelby sits right behind Erin.

She kept passing Erin notes that said horrible things about her. Shelby even mumbled things loudly about her. Erin wanted to to real around and tell her to shut up. To slap her. To do anything besides sit there and have to listen to it all.

She was thankful when the day was finally over but she still had to get through track practice. In all honesty, she was surprised she was still on the team since she had been gone for so long. But her parents had called the school and talked to her teachers and coach.

She changed into her uniform before going outside with the other members of the team. When she practiced she felt like she was running away from all her problems. Running away from everything that bothers her. She was thankful for that feeling. But if only she could run back to her family in Tulsa.


The weeks seemed to drag on slowly and painful. Shelby wouldn't let up on Erin, bothering her almost everyday. She had spread more rumors about her so now the whole school knows that she's "crazy".

"Where's Paige?" She asked as she sat down at their table for lunch. People still stare and point at her everyday, but after awhile she learned to just ignore it. Of course other things, or people, are hard to ignore.

"With her other friends," Rachel exasperated. Since it was the second year of high school for them, Paige wanted to expound and meet more people. She had no clue she would neglect her friends for half the semester.

"She better not leave again." Erin enjoyed having Paige back in her life. But not when she bad mouthed her friend.

"And she better not be talking bad about us." Erin figured that by "us", she meant her.

After a while they head someone yell. "Well she's a better friend than you are! At least she doesn't talk about other people behind their back!" She went wide-eyed when she seen it was Paige. She was now walking over to Erin and her friends.

The whole cafeteria had there eyes on Paige, and it took a minute for everyone to continue their usual chatting. Oh great, now everyone will be talking about her too. "What did you..." Erin couldn't get out any more. She was in pure shock.

"They were talking bad about you. I wasn't going to let them say all those nasty things about you and get away with it."

Erin smiled and pulled Paige into a hug. "Thank you, Paige! You're awesome!"

"Well, you're welcome. It's no big deal really." But it was. To Erin it was everything. It meant that they really were true friends even if they quit talking. And even if the whole school has turned on her, and maybe even Paige now. It mean that she would risk everything for her. That she really was a true friend.

"It is to me."

"It really is about time someone said something," Rachel interrupted, taking a bite of a french fry. "I'm tired of all this. People are talking up us too for being friends with you. It really makes me mad. Especially Shelby. She's a—" Rachel called her a bunch of horrible names. But Erin nodded her head in agreement. "This all needs to stop."

"How? Even if I stop going on about it people are still going to make fun of me. But it's all true so why should I give a crap about what they say."

"Erin, just because we are friends doesn't mean we agree with everything you say. But this has to stop. The whole you going inside a book thing. It didn't happen."

Erin's eyes narrowed. "It's true. Everything that happened in that book happened to me! Ya know, I learned true loyalty and friendship from those boys. They will take care of a random girl they never met who they found on the streets. They are gallant and the most sweetest people I've ever met."

Katlyn just shook her head. "See what you did Rachel. You got her started."

"I have told you guys everything about how the book used to be and you still don't believe me."

"I believe you, Erin," A voice rang from behind her. Erin knew who it was before she turned around. Shelby. She just never quits. "I believe that you're completely crazy. I don't know why your 'friends' even hang around you. They probably pity you." Those words stung, hitting Erin hard.

"We do not. We-" Erin stood up, not wanting to hear anymore. Everything that was said was getting to her. Everything that she had been holding in for the past month was tearing at her. She raced off to the bathroom, trying to keep back tears. She could hear her friends calling her name but she didn't turn back.

She ran to the bathroom, and when she was finally alone she picked up her phone and called her Mom. "M-Mom," She said through the phone once she finally got an answer. "C-Can you come p-pick me up." Her voice was cracking as a few tears ran down her cheeks.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"

"I'll explain later. B-But c-can you just come picked me up...please."

"Yeah. I will. I'll be there in 20 minutes alright, sweetheart."

Twenty minutes. That meant she would still have to go to her next class. She wanted so badly to sit in the bathroom and just be alone. She finally decided just to skip class. It wouldn't matter, she's going home soon.

"Erin?" She heard a voice call. Paige, Katlyn, and Rachel came walking into the bathroom. "There you are!" Paige squealed. "You all right?"

"She's crying. Does she look all right to you?" Rachel snapped. Erin smiled a little at how her friends act.

"Sorry. I was just asking," Paige said. "Guess what Rachel did? After you left she told Shelby off real good."

Erin smiled. "Good. She deserves it." Erin looked down at her hands before saying, "My Mom is coming to pick me up."

"Aww man. So you're leaving us," Katlyn whined. "Well, I hope you feel better, Erin. Are you still going to go to class?"

"No. I'm staying here." Once she said that Rachel just nodded.

"All right. We'll stay here with you."

Erin was a little surprised. "No. I don't want you all to get in trouble. You all can-"

"We will stay here, Erin. Won't we girls?" Katlyn and Paige both nodded. "Were in this together." Erin almost wanted to cry again. Even through all the ups and downs, her friends are amazing.

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