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Erin woke up the next morning wrapped in Johnny's arms. She stirred and groaned, not wanting to get up. Johnny has been awake for a few minutes, but he didn't dare move in fear of waking her. When she opened her eyes she was met with a boy with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Morning, beautiful."

"Mmm...morning, Johnnycake," She yawned. "How long have you been up?"

"Not too long." He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She smiled at him and leaned over and kissed his nose.

"You think we should go back to the house? The guys might be worried."

"In a minute." Johnny pulled her closer to him. "I'm comfortable. Let's stay here a bit longer."

"All right, cutie." Erin rested her head on his chest, listening to his soft heartbeat. Johnny hummed, the smile still on his face. He was loving every moment of this. He didn't want it to end; he didn't want to leave. He wanted Erin to lay in his arms forever.

After awhile they knew they finally had to leave. Johnny didn't like it. Not at all. He could stay at that lot all day if it meant he got to spend it with Erin. With his angel.

They both walked to the Curtis house hand in hand. "Johnny," Erin finally spoke. "So...are we...ya know? Because I-I really like you and all and I would love to be...ya know."

She wanted to continue but she felt like she was babbling. Johnny couldn't help but smile at her. He thought it was adorable that way she went on. "Yeah." He stopped and grabbed her other hand. "I would like that, Angel."

She smiled at him. He couldn't help but lean down and kiss her. The kiss didn't last as long as the first, but Erin still loved it. She's never felt this happy, this giddy, in so long. And it was all because of Johnny.

When they walked into the Curtis house they were still holding hands. Two-Bit noticed and had to make a comment. "Look at the two love birds holdin' hands. Have you kissed her yet, Johnnycake? Is she your girlfriend?"

Johnny blushed. He didn't know if he should tell or not. Two-Bit might continue to tease him. But he knew he might have to come clean at some point. No need to keep it secret. "Yes to both of those," He finally said.

"Ooo Johnny! When's the wedding?" Two-Bit then burst into a fit of laughter. It only got worse when he seen how red Johnny's face was.

"Oh, hush Two-Bit," Erin snapped. "We are not getting married."

"Not yet," Two-Bit snickered as he walked into the kitchen. Erin rolled her eyes but she couldn't help but smile at his antics.

Blanca, Cassidy, and and Sodapop came strolling in. Blanca was laughing at something Sodapop had said, while Cassidy seemed to have no interest. "Guess what, guys!" Two-Bit yelled, now coming back into the living room. "Johnny and Erin are getting hitched!"

"Are not!" Johnny said, rather annoyed. "Gosh, stop it, Two."

"Ooo someone is angry."

"Well, if you would quit teasing us then I might be in a good mood. But," He turned his head to face Erin, a smile on his face. "I'm still in a good mood from last night and this morning."

Erin gave him a big smile. She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into his chest. Johnny smiled and kissed her forehead. Blanca smiled and gave a big, drawn out, "Aww!" While Cassidy grimaced and said, "Eww!"

Erin let out a laugh. "Come on, guys." She pulled away from Johnny and stood up from the couch. "What do you guys want for breakfast?"

"Well, I already had breakfast. Darry cooked eggs and bacon," Soda explained.

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