Something's Off

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A few days had went by. School was horrible for Johnny. He didn't really understand Algebra that much so Erin had to help him. But Johnny had been acting off today but no one noticed that much. None of the gang really had a class with him so how could they?

They were standing in the hallway next to the lockers for break. Erin was telling Johnny something funny that happened in class, hoping to get him to laugh. He didn't. "Johnny, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, Angel." He smiled at her. It was a fake one, one just for show. He wanted her to think he was happy. But he was breaking. "I'm fine."

Erin looked him in the eyes and nodded. She looked around for some teachers before leaning in and kissing his cheek. "I have to get to class," She said with a sigh. "I'll see you after school."

There was only more period left until the end of the day. Erin was excited because it would be the weekend. It meant she could hang out with Johnny and her friends.

Or so she thought.


Ponyboy, Blanca, and Cassidy all decided to go to the DX after school. Two-Bit was off somewhere and Steve went to work. Blanca kept telling Erin that she wanted to see Sodapop all day. Erin couldn't help but smile every time. She was head over heel for that boy. And Erin knew exactly what that felt like.

It was just Erin and Johnny walking home now, both hand in hand. Johnny didn't talk much on the way to the Curtis house. And when they got close to his house he made a small noise when he heard his parents. He looked down but his eyes kept looking back at the house.

He hates that house. He, as bad as he hates to say it, hates his parents. He loves them but hates them at the same time. But after what happened this morning....he's been off.

He had just woken to get ready for school this morning when he heard banging on his door. His dad barged in, yelling and cursing at him. He shoved him out of bed and he hit the ground with a loud thud.

His mom yelled at her husband. She was telling him to come out and make himself useful with the bills. His parents barley have enough money to get buy, and it's a surprise they even do the bills. Anyway, once his dad with off his back, he got dressed and went to the bathroom to get ready.

He was almost out the door when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His dad gripped him hard and shoved him against the wall. "You little peace of s***! Where do you think you're going this early? Out with your little friends I suppose."

He pushed Johnny on the ground and kicked him hard in the ribs. "Heard you got a girl too. Seen you with 'er a couple days ago." He grabbed Johnny by the neck and pulled him to his feet. Johnny was trying to break free of his strong, smuggling grasp. "How 'bout you bring 'er here to meet us one day? We will all have a good time."

"You...stay away from her."

His dad laughed evilly. "How about some words of advice: don't screw around with women. You'll end up with a pain in the a** family like this one." He slammed Johnny against the wall, knocking the wind out of him. His grip tighten around Johnny's neck. Johnny's eyes widened, he was scared to death. His dad smiled when seeing the fear in his eyes. "I bet that girl doesn't even love you. No one loves you. Not me or your mother. You should have ran away and never came back. You should have DIED!" He yelled.

He dropped Johnny and threw his glass bottle at him. He hit his shoulder and cut his shirt, leaving shards of glass sticking to him. Johnny hissed in pain. Johnny tried to run away but his dad grabbed him. "Where do you think you're going, young man."

Johnny spun around and kicked him in the knee. His dad let go, giving Johnny a chance to escape. He could hear his dad yelling and swearing at him as he ran out. "You little s***! You will pay for that, you—" He went on, yelling profanities.

Johnny stared at the house, lost in the memory. His parents want him dead. They would hurt Erin if she ever got around them. Johnny would never let that happen. He cared, he loved, her too much.

"Johnny...are you okay?" Erin asked. Johnny wasn't paying her any attention. "Johnny!" She shook his arms. He blinked before turning to face her.


"Are you okay?"

"Oh...yeah, of course."

"You sure? You were staring at your house and you seemed a little strange at school. You can tell me if something is bothering you."

"I know. But I'm fine."

Erin didn't believe him. He was being too quiet. He wasn't himself and she could tell. "But you seemed different at school. You seemed quieter than usual."

"Erin, I'm fine. Okay?"

"No you're not! I'm not an idiot, Johnny. There is something bothering you, I know it!"

"Can you just leave me alone! Gosh! I said I'm fine, why can't you just believe me? Quit annoying me about it and shut up! I have my own problems and don't need you constantly pestering me!" Johnny covered his mouth. He didn't mean that. But that look Erin gave him showed that he really did hurt her. He hurt her. He never wanted to hurt her, but he couldn't control himself. "Erin...I didn't mean that. I swear."

"I-I'll just leave you alone like you wanted."

She rushed past him, bumping him in the shoulder. He grabbed her arm but she pulled it away. "Erin, wait!" He called. She took off running before he could say or do anything else.

Johnny watched her run away. He wanted to kick himself, wanted to yell at himself. He should never have yelled at her. She only wanted to help him but he just blew up on her.

Just like his father.

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