Chapter 31 - The Tears

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'What's happening to me, Newt?'

Suddenly, it was only us. No one in that place but us; no Grindelwald, no of his followers, no one else. Her voice, trembling and broken, had made all of those shadows and screams go away. However, reality cannot be put on hold forever. A large group of cloaked and hatted figures appeared from the shadows. One after one, they shot spells at the followers, Disarming or Stunning them. 


Despite the situation, I choked out a sigh of relief hearing that voice. It was Theseus. Trying to avoid any incoming curses or hexes, I searched for him among the black sand and sea of people. With a lurch, I had to duck, bringing Tina down with me, as one jet of blue light came my way.

'IN HERE!' I replied before turning to Tina. I grabbed her by her shoulders and tried to get her to look at me. Despite her eyes locking on mine, I could feel that part of her was somewhere far away from me - from everything surrounding us at that moment. 

'We need to go, Tina,' I told her as firmly as my heart would let me, 'If you can't, it's ok - just try to stay alert.'

She looked at me, her eyes searching mine as if we were in the dark. Her bottom lip was trembling, but her expression showed a mixture of terror and anger. The hairs at the back of my neck stood up, chills running up and down my spine like ants. 

'Come on,' I murmured, letting go of her shoulders and grabbing her hand, 'Don't leave my side, ok?' Her skin was cold and shaking slightly, but her grip was as firm as ever. 

At that moment, it seemed as if someone had turned the volume on. Shouts and mad laughter came out of nowhere. I could see a group of people with cloaks and hats - Aurors - come from the many entrances, and, adding to the havoc, I couldn't see Jacob or Queenie, making the weight of guilt in my gut grow. However, my brother's face came into view and he ran to meet us. I clenched my jaw till my teeth hurt, but I knew that our issues didn't matter at that moment.

'Newt,' he panted, a grimace resembling a relieved smile appearing on his face. His eyes shifted towards Tina, but I interrupted whatever question he was about to give.

'Thes, there was a man here - he's a Muggle, and I don't know where he is -'

'What?!' he yelled over the screams, his eyes bulging as he glared them at me, 'Newt, why is a - did you bring him here?!'

'Thes, have you crossed him?' I cut on, feeling my fear grip my heart even tighter. And Theseus's silence wasn't making it any looser. 'Maybe he made it out?' 

'Was he the one who was with you in the French Ministry?' he asked, furrowing his brows like usual when he tries to concentrate.

'Yes,' I said, looking over his shoulder. There was a couple who had crumbled to the ground, unconscious, as a curse hit them both on their backs.

'Oh, Newt...' Theseus said slowly, but I barely heard him. I knew he wanted to say something more, but I suddenly didn't want him to go on. Even if his following words were going to be harmful or simple words of comfort, I didn't need them. 

'I need to find them,' I said while pulling Tina with me. I started to run up the steps of the atrium. Theseus hesitated a little before pulling his wand up and shooting spells to help his colleagues. 

From up there, everything seemed to be taken from a segment of the war. The dark mass of magic which was Credence seemed to have kept us safe from harm and now was focusing on helping the Aurors to stop those remaining. Some of the followers were duelling with Aurors, some getting the chance to Disapparate as their opponent jumped out of harm's way. It was all a mix of colours -red, green, blue, and black - but I was more worried about the lack of golden or grey hair.

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