𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨; 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝

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Finally, my favorite subject of the day arrived!

Entering the cafeteria, I inhaled the scent of the cafeteria food and smiled. I love food. Walking towards the short line, I quickly picked out a pizza with a bottle of water and paid for it.

Then, I spotted the two dorks I call my best friends and walk over to them. Sitting next to Peter's side, Ned sitting in the other side. I began eating my food quietly, not wanting to speak at the moment. Food comes first.

The sound of chatters began to fill my ears as I chewed on my last piece of pizza, glancing up I stared to the entrance of the cafeteria and saw Liz and her friends enter the room with a huge banner.

Looking to my right, I see Peter already gazing over at her and I chuckled, "When are you planning to talk to her?" I softly tap him lightly on the shoulder with my own and that brought him back to reality.

Peter's eyes widen, shaking his head 'no' in complete horror.

I couldn't help but feel my heart skip at the sight. He looked adorable, his cheeks turning a bright pink.

"Wait here." I winked, grabbing my trait and walking to the garbage which was coincidentally right next to the group of girls.

Luckily for me, Liz took notice of my presence and smiled widely at me, "Oh, Ophelia!" She greeted, waving at me to come, and I innocently sent Peter a grin before making my way over to Liz, "Yes, Liz?" I smiled at her as she pointed to the banner.

"Do you think you could give us a hand?" Liz asks me and I nodded, staring at the plain white wall, "I think at the top and kind of loose so it slightly drops in the middle but not the corners." I suggested, imagining the banner already hang the way I imagined it, "You get me?" I chirped to Liz who nodded eagerly with a shock smile, "That will look great! Thanks!"

Liz stepped on the ladder, bringing the banner with her as her friends held the ladder. I stood more far from the ladder to get a better view of where Liz was putting the banner.

"I think more to the left." One of her friends said, and Liz moved the banner more to the left, only to be ordered by another one of her friends to move it more to the right. And this kept on going for awhile, before I got annoyed and offered to help.

"I'll do it!" I proposed with a small smile and a nod. Liz looked at me in relief and bobs hear head, handing me the banner as she climbed down the ladders.

I got on the ladder and lifted the banner up.

Putting it where I had imagined and surely it looks good. Moving my head to the side, I could see Liz nodding in approval at me.

She grinned and her friends kept quiet since they had no complaints.

"It looks perfect!" Liz commented, clapping her hands together in joy.

Her friends began to hand me some pins so I could place the banner against the wall and it wouldn't fall. Once it was held by enough pins, I slightly inched back and felt proud by the work I did.

"Good job!" Liz shouted and I looked down only to gaze over a certain brunette who was eyeing me intensely.

Smirking, I threw him a small discreet wink to which he shook his head and stood up abruptly

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Smirking, I threw him a small discreet wink to which he shook his head and stood up abruptly.

'One.' I began counting, looking away from him to Liz, then to my hands.

'Two.' I stepped down as I closed my eyes, preparing for what I was about to do. Call me a crazy bitch, because I'll do anything to help my friend.

'Three.' Missing a "step", I lost my balance and began to fall backwards.

Everyone gasped and Liz went to step in only to be lightly pushed to the side.

Feeling hands wrapped around my waist, I mentally smirked recognizing the familiar presence of him.

Looking up at him in "shock" I sent him a quick wink and quickly went back to my shocked expression.

"Oh my god!" Liz screamed in horror as she came to us, sending Peter a grateful look, "Are you okay?!" Liz asked me and I turned to her with a fake frightened look, slightly nodding, "Y-Yeah." I stuttered on purpose. Gazing over a grumpy Peter who was currently glaring at me for pulling that stunt.

"If it wasn't for Peter, here," I pointed towards him, putting a hand on his chest, "I would have probably broken a rib or worse." I say loud and clear so Liz was able to hear.

Looking at Liz, she nods and smiles widely at Peter, "Yeah, thanks Peter. I don't know what would have happened to her if it wasn't for you." She thanked him, and Peter's glare was replaced with a shy expression, "I, uh, yeah, no problem." He sheepishly grins.

This caused Liz to smile and look over at us, "I, uh, have a party, if you are interested?" She asked us— correction; she asked Peter. I couldn't help but smile widely, but I held myself, I didn't want to interrupt this moment with my creepy smile.

Peter's eyes widen in surprise and he nodded eagerly, "Yeah, sounds cool!"

"Cool." Was the last thing Liz said as she waved off at us, and left the cafeteria with her friends.

Jumping out of Peter's arms, I raised my hands and cheered, "Yes, yes, yes!" I exclaimed excitedly, "I can't believe that work!" I smiled widely, turning to Peter who had a happy expression before it fell, making me frown, "Wow, boy, why like that?" I pointed, putting my two index fingers on the corner of his mouth, trying to lift it up to a smile but it only fell back to a frown.

Peter moves my fingers away with his hands, putting them down as he looked right into my eyes, "Why the hell do you think that was a great idea? You could have gotten hurt! What if I didn't catch you-"

Cutting him off, I put my finger against his lips 'shushing' him.

Pursing my lips together, I held my grin, "You will always catch me, Parker." I winked playfully, "And it worked!" Grinning like a dork, I began to squeal for my best friend, who rolled his eyes as he chuckled at me, "You're an idiot."

"An idiot who knows how to work like Cupid!" I corrected him, pointing a finger at him with a smirk.

𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 ➳ 𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now