Chapter 9

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The following is a non-profit fan-based story. RWBY and characters from Red vs Blue are owned by RoosterTeeth. Please support the official release.

The day after the fight with team CRDL was a memorable one. The burns you inflicted on Cardin and two of his buddies was easily healed up. Once the nurse told them that they were clear to leave Glynda came in and told them that because they lost the match they had to comply with the conditions that were set the day before said match.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO WEAR TUTUS!!" Exclaimed a distressed Cardin with a look of pure horror.

"Mr. Winchester have you forgotten that the day your team agreed to fight team (t/n) you and their leader agreed that should you win they would be your lap dogs, and that should you lose your team would wear tutus." Said Glynda barley holding back a smirk at the horrified faces currently on the boys.

"But that's what the idiot Caboose said! None of his teammates even acknowledged that he even said that!" Said Dove.

"It doesn't matter if it was acknowledged by his team or not." Dove was about ready to continue when Glynda quieted him by using her telekinesis to put some duct tape over his mouth. She then pulled out a small book that read 'Vale Protocols and What They Mean' and opening it.

 "In accordance with the terms and conditions of a fight protocol of Vale section 18-4, any terms or conditions stated by either party whether acknowledged or not must be upheld should they be agreed upon by the opposing party." Closing the book and putting it in her purse she looked back at team CRDL with a little gleam coming off of her glasses. "If memory serves I had you confirm your agreement to the terms before the match had begun." 

"But Caboose said it was supposed to be for the rest of the day. My team and I were here in the nurse's office for the rest of the day due to what (y/n) did to Russell, Sky, and I. So we shouldn't have to wear those things because the time limit has already passed." Argued Russell.

Pulling out her book again and flipping to what looked like the same page Glynda pushed her glasses back onto the highest point of her nose.

"Terms and conditions of a fight section 18-5. Should the conditions or terms not be upheld for any reason (with the exception of death) the offending team will be fined 9001 liens, or be forced to do it as soon as possible." Finishing this she again closed her book and put it in her purse. "So if you don't want to wear tutus for an entire day you could pay the fine."

"But that's like an entire years wage!" Said Sky dumbfounded at the amount of the fine should they not go through with the terms. " We don't have that kind of money!"

"Well, then it's good that I asked someone who is really great with finding the right size of clothing to find the tutus that would fit you all. I gave her your measurements yesterday after you were sent to the nurse and boy was she fast at finding what was needed." Glynda said this with a small smirk on her face.

"Is this my cue to come in?" Asked a voice just outside of the room. Not a second later Coco came in with (y/n) right behind her with four boxes in his hand all the size of a shoe box.

"Well, I guess it is seeing as you just walked in." Said Glynda while looking over at Coco.

You sat the boxes down on the floor at the foot of each member of team CRDL. Walking back you noticed that each of the boys gave you glares. Like it was your fault they lost and had to do this now.

"Now (y/n), Coco let's give these boys some privacy while they change into the clothes that they will be wearing for the rest of the day." Said Glynda while motioning for you to leave the room.

It took a few minutes for team CRDL to get changed. When they stepped out of the room the had downtrodden looks on their faces. Like they just witnessed someone kill a puppy or something.

Looking over to your left you saw Griff with a scroll in his hand. Nodding to him you stepped back so as to give him room to do what he wanted to do.

"Hey ballerinas, smile~" Said Griff.

Looking up team CRDL stared at Griff with confusion in their eyes for a second before the scroll in Griff's hands flashed.

"Oh hoho. This is getting sent to the newspaper club. I'm sure they would love to have this as the headline for their next article covering what happened yesterday." Said Griff while putting his scroll in his suits chest pocket.

With a cry of anguish Cardin and his team chased after Griff. Not wanting to be caught by his victims Griff took off. 

"I think this will be the most exercise Griff will do all month." You said chuckling to yourself.

"Too bad Cardin and his cronies don't know that the newspaper club is also responsible for writing some of the articles that get published in the Vale newspaper. If they did I'm sure they would chase all month." Said Coco while giggling off to your left while Simmons was on your right.

"Even if they got ahold of him Griff sent me a copy of the picture so I can just send it straight to the newspaper club right now." Said Simmons while holding up his scroll with the image of Cardin and his team in tutus on it.

"Why didn't he just send it to the newspaper club instead of you?" Asked Coco.

"He's too lazy to get their number. I had to put all of our numbers in his scroll because he just wants to take naps all the time. And now that he has his semblance I fear that he may abuse it to get out of classes and nap all day long.

"Speaking of classes we should head back to ours." You said while heading to one of your favorite classes history.

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