I Want a Human

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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 1 "I Want a Human Pet"

"Ewww! No. No way!" Skywarp pulled his head back, repulsed.

"What? I just think they're interesting little creatures." Thundercracker argued, indicating the cars zipping through the city far below.

Skywarp made a face, "Maybe...but why would you want one?"

The blue Seeker shrugged his vented shoulders, still watching the tiny, wheeled machines.

"Come on, TC, why do you want a pet anyway?" Skywarp asked, swooping close to his wingman.

Thundercracker snorted, "When I was a Sparkling, I had a Tecteerian feline."

"You mean those fuzzy blue organics with the long fangs and poisonous tail tips?" Skywarp raised a plated brow, "How'd you get one of those? I thought the Cybertronian Government outlawed those pets on Cybertron."

"I found it on one of the nearby moons when my creators took me there. I caught it and smuggled it home. Then I hid it under my berth for a few stellar months before my creators found it and ordered me to get rid of it." Thundercracker explained, a strangely sad look flickering his optics. "So I took it back to the planet where I found it. I never got another pet after that."

"So...NOW you want a human pet?" Skywarp guessed.

Thundercracker nodded.

The black Seeker rolled over on his back, flying upside down, "Do you even know HOW to keep a human alive, TC? I mean, they're so easy to terminate."

"Give me some credit!" Thundercracker smacked his comrade's wing, "I've been studying this human internet to find out all the stuff humans need to survive. They need food, water, a place to sleep, a cleansing pool, a place to get rid of their bio fluids and waste," Thundercracker rattled off the list.

"ARG!" Skywarp threw his hands up to his audio receptors with revulsion, "And you WANT one of those? Sounds like a pain in the afterburners to me! Megatron would never let you have one anyway."

Crossing his arms stubbornly, Thundercracker replied, "I still want one."

The black and violet Con stared at his wingman, "You've glitched your logic circuits. Megatron will kick your aft clear up into your mainframe if he finds out."

"Then you'd better not tell him then." Thundercracker narrowed his optics dangerously.


A few days later back in Thundercracker's quarters on the Nemesis...

"Well? What do you think?" Thundercracker asked, displaying the small enclosure unit he'd been building for his anticipated pet.

Skywarp tipped his head. The enclosure was made out of empty Energon cubes with small holes and metal tubing in between the different sections to allow the human access to all the compartments. In one of the cubes there was a colorful parachute stretched out between the cube walls forming what the humans called a "hammock".

"See? It will recharge here." the blue jet Con explained. He pointed to the other cubes which contained an array of tiny objects Skywarp couldn't identify, "That's where it will refuel and..."

"Yeah, yeah. It's great TC," the black and violet Seeker nodded half-heartedly, stopping the explanation before it went on. "So what kind of squishy are you going to put in there?" Skywarp suddenly got an idea and pointed at the enclosure, "Hey! You outta get two males and let 'em fight. That would be fun to watch."

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