Mini Menaces

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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 7: "Mini Menaces"

Three days later...

Lana was confused. Though she had no grasp of time she knew Thundercracker had been gone for much longer than usual—more than a couple days she guessed. He still hadn't returned. Not that she needed anything. She had plenty of food and water to sustain her for a year, but he'd never been away so long.

Before he left in such a hurry, he mentioned he was going into battle. The big question was with whom? Was he raiding more energy resources with the other Decepticons? If there was a battle was he destroyed or dead? Did robots really die or did they just shut off?

Lana scolded herself. "Why should I care if that giant metal jerk comes back or not?"

Her more logical side interjected, "Well if he DOESN'T come back you're going to be left in this stupid cage with no way to supply yourself if you run out."

"OR," her 'worst-case-scenario' side said, "That maniac Skywarp will come back and do God knows what to you!"

"Good points," she stated aloud even though she was arguing with herself.

Though she cursed herself for even thinking it, she actually wanted Thundercracker to come back. It was, after all, in her best interest.

Then, she heard the door open outside. Almost anxious she paused, waiting. But instead of the shaking footfalls of her master she heard the murmuring of voices. They were oddly soft and not great and booming like most of the robots she'd encountered. She couldn't hear the exact words, but she knew there were at least two voices conversing in the room. A suddenly glimmer of hope tickled her heart. Were they human? Had a rescue party somehow broke in and come for her? It was a huge stretch, but the voices didn't sound big enough to be Decepticons.

Urgently she banged on the transparent wall of her enclosure, shouting, "HEY! HEY! I'M HERE! I'M HERE! HEY!"

She continued to raise a ruckus until she heard a bang of metal outside of the closet. Immediately she stopped to listen.

"Yeah, I heard it over here." one reedy male voice announced.

"I don't hear nothin'." a second voice stated.

The first voice hissed statically, "Shh. It was comin' from in there!"

"You're so full of slag Rumble! I THOUGHT we were lookin' for Energon!"

That made Lana back away quickly. Slag... Energon...humans didn't use those words. The closet door hissed and slowly slid open. Lana didn't wait for it to do so. She ran through her enclosure to her "pantry" where she knew there were plenty of boxes to hide behind or under. When she made it there she glanced over her shoulder. A smallish, human-sized, robot silhouette darkened the closet entry, a red visor darting around.

More robots—little ones?

"Smooth one Lana. Why don't you just plaster a flashing sign over your cage?"

Lana didn't care how small they were, she didn't want them to see her. Quickly she flipped over a large box and slipped underneath. The box had a small handle cutout so she peeked through it.

The lights suddenly brightened in the closet and at the far end she could just barely see the intruder. He was purple and silver and about human-sized but that was all she could make out.

The purple and silver mech appeared to be staring at her sleeping quarter, "What in the Pit...HEY! Frenzy! Check this out!"

In a few moments a similarly designed mech of red and black appeared, "Did ya find some high grade?"

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