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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 12: "Contraband"


Lana awoke unable to feel her legs. She stretched, feeling the painful tingling of blood resuming its circulation to her legs. Sleeping in Thundercracker's hand wasn't exactly the most comfortable bed. She looked up at him; he was still in recharge. Sometime while she slept he'd propped his feet up on his work table creating a rather effective bridge to her enclosure. Her hammock was much more comfortable. Lana wriggled her body, she squirmed out from between his fingers until she was sitting on his thumb joint. She kicked her legs with a wince, trying to rid herself of the deadness.

Rising slowly, Lana traipsed over the ridges and ledges of Thundercracker's hand and then stepped down onto the edge of his hip plate. She looked down at his thigh below her, doubting whether she could jump down onto it and wondering if sliding would be a better means of getting down. With great caution she ducked down, sitting on the ledge of his hip plate. Her feet slid down a bit, finding another tiny foothold further down. Preparing herself she jumped down onto his thigh, arms spinning for balance.

Her landing caused a chain reaction of movement. Startled, Thundercracker snapped out of recharge and leaned back too far. Arms flailing for purchase, he fell backward. With a loud shout and a curse in Cybertronian the huge Decepticon crashed to the floor with deafening impact. Lana screamed as she flew backward and bounced across the Seeker's smooth metal abdomen coming to a stop just below his chest armor. His resounding groan shook the metal beneath her.

"OH...throw me in the smelter!" he cursed, struggling to sit up amid his entanglement with the chair.

Thundercracker suddenly noticed Lana wasn't in his hand and he checked it carefully for any grisly signs of an accidental squishing. His hand was clean.

"Lana?" he called.

The young woman had slid down his abdomen and was clinging to the top of his hip panel.

Relieved to see his pet unsquished he picked her up, "There you are. Are you undamaged?"

Lana nodded, trying to calm the pounding of her heart, "Are YOU?"

He ran a quick diagnostic, "Yeah, just a couple small dents."

Looking at the Decepticon in such an undignified position made Lana snicker, "You know, for a giant, super advanced robot you sure are a klutz."

He gave her an incredulous look before resting his head back and laughing deeply. After a moment he extended his arm out as far as he could reach and placed her on the floor.

She snorted, "Don't fall again."

He groaned, "Oh you're so funny."

Throwing his legs around to one side, the blue Con sat up and rolled away from his chair. He sat on his hands and knees, ready to push himself up when the door to his quarters opened with a hiss. Thundercracker's head shot up, optics wide. Soundwave was darkening the doorway.

"What's the meaning of this?" the Seeker demanded, standing up and placing his body in a position to hide Lana from view.

"Quarter inspection." Soundwave replied flatly.

"On what grounds?" the blue Seeker challenged.

Soundwave merely lowered his head a bit, "You are suspected to have contraband. Ravage detected an unusually strong scent of human leading to your quarters." the communications officer explained."

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