Combat Manuevers

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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 8: "Combat Maneuvers"

A couple days after the incident with Rumble and Frenzy, the mediocre drone of boredom set in again for Lana. Not that she wanted that kind of excitement ever again, but she certainly didn't care for the monotony of walking along the walls of her enclosure wishing for something meaningful to do.

There were times Lana questioned her sanity. Feeling pity for Thundercracker when he thought she was dead instead of trying to escape was at the forefront of her doubts. Was this captivity with no real mental stimulation whittling away her sanity? How long would it be before she went totally insane or at the very least fall into a deep state of depression? She hadn't seen another human for so long. Sure, Thundercracker talked to her and gave her "affection"; which was probably the only thing keeping her mind afloat as it was; but it wasn't the same.

Lana rested her forehead against the transparent wall of her bedroom, feeling like a goldfish that was actually aware it was swimming in a circle its whole life. The dark purple walls were shrinking. Even though the room was beyond huge the walls felt closer everyday.

She needed to do something! ANYTHING—anything to save her mind from the quagmire of inactivity.

It was odd but she started to think of music. Songs that were mere ghost-tunes bouncing around her skull. Being a former stripper she was exposed to a whole gauntlet of beats and tunes. Each one had their own specific routine. She tried hard to remember one. After a moment or two a particular beat began vibrating her vocal chords. She hummed it, breathing life into the stale memory. Then her muscles remembered.

Her hips began to rock in time with the music in her head. She strutted away from the wall, hips swaying and then popping with the beat. Lana swiveled her feet, gliding across the floor. She kicked up, spinning in a ballerina twirl until she gracefully ended with a pointed toe. Throwing her red hair she leaned over, twisting her torso and moving her arms like waves. She leaped, she twirled, she shook, she flaunted. Finally she thrust her hips, turned once, and ended up doing the splits on the floor. The redhead winced, realizing she probably should've stretched before doing all that...AND checked to make sure no one was watching.

Lana gasped upon seeing Thundercracker's large face peering it at her through the transparent wall. As if bitten, Lana pulled out of her splits and rose quickly, smoothing down her tussled hair.

"What was that?" Thundercracker cocked his head. "Was that 'dancing'?"

"How long have you BEEN there?" Lana asked, clearly perturbed.

He spun his finger, "Do that again! I like it."

Lana showed her back to him, "NO. You weren't supposed to see that!"

"Why not? You're my pet. I can look at you whenever I want to." he declared.

The young woman clenched her jaw.

Thundercracker persisted, "I never realized humans could move like that. It was so...graceful. Do it again!"

"You want to watch dancing?" Lana looked at him.

He nodded.

"Watch it on YouTube then." she replied snappishly.

Thundercracker slit his optics, "I want to see you dance."

"Oh, YOU want! YOU WANT! Well I want out of this stupid cage! I want to see the sun again! I want to go home!" the young woman shouted with frustration.

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