Bad Luck, to Worse

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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 3: "Bad Luck to Worse"

The enclosure shook and a loud bang startled Lana awake. Tumbling out of her hammock the young woman cursed and slapped the transparent floor as her one leg became entangled in the material. Stupid hammock! Stupid hard floor! Stupid giant robots!

Quite suddenly she caught sight of something outside her enclosure that made her jaw drop. There sitting on the work table were a pair of semi trailers with the big blue letters WALMART boldly plastered on their sides.

"No...he didn't just..." Lana's brain refused to process the trailers sitting there.

She was so stunned she didn't even register Thundercracker reaching in and lifting her out until she was on the counter next to the trailers.

"Well?" Thundercracker asked expectantly gesturing to the white metal rectangles.

Lana just stood there like she'd been struck dumb and mute.

Reaching over her, Thundercracker opened the large back door of the back trailer and pulled out the ramp.

Then he gently nudged her toward it, "Go on and see what's in there."

Slowly, Lana trudged up the ramp and peered inside. Her heart sank. Toilet paper, clothes, shampoos, hair care products, laundry soap, womanly products, toothpaste, towels...nearly everything she'd listed last night all contained in this one trailer.

Damn you to HELL Wal-Mart!

"I believe the other one has what you call clothes and bedding." he mentioned. "So, is that about everything?" Thundercracker asked with a tone indicating he knew full well that he'd gotten all the things she's listed the day before.

Lana turned, her arms limp at her sides, "How...where did you get all this?"

The Decepticon sat down, still seeming smug, "Your roadways are covered with these things traveling back and forth. All I had to do was access the purchase orders for this particular company and locate the truck with the correct tracking code."

"You mean you stole this?" she gestured to the trailer.

"Lifted it right off the road while the truck was still rolling." he announced almost proudly.

Lana could see the massive dents in the trailers' sides where Thundercracker's huge hands had gripped them.

" didn't kill anyone for these did you?"

The big mech shrugged, "Maybe. I didn't notice." He leaned back smirking, "So, did your Master do well?"

Lana sadly closed her eyes and said in a non-excited voice, "Yes...thanks."

"Thanks what?" Thundercracker eyed her expectantly.

She ground her teeth and all but vomited the word, "Thanks...Master."

The tip of his finger patted her head gently, "That's a good little Lana."

For an instant Lana wanted to swat at his finger and cuss him out but decided not to push her luck. He could very easily deprive her of these much needed items. It was a relief to receive all of these essential supplies, but she felt the price of obtaining them was far too high.

Thundercracker then nudged her back toward the trailers saying, "You get everything you need out of those and I'll put it in your cage. The rest I'll stash away until you need it."

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