Toy Mouse

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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 5: "Toy Mouse"

In one of the corridors of the Nemesis...

Thundercracker's shift ended at last and immediately he set off for the Rec Room to find his wingman or his pet, whichever he found first. He honestly hoped to find his pet first and get her back to the safety of her enclosure; his little "discussion" with Warp could be postponed.

Why did Skywarp always do this? Anytime he obtained something, the purple Seeker would find some way to exploit, damage, or destroy it. Why couldn't he ruin his OWN stuff? Why was it always HIS stuff?

Rumble and Frenzy had been no help in discovering the condition of his pet after the subsequent "prank" on Starscream and not knowing worried the Seeker. Had Starscream terminated her? Was she nothing more than squishy smear on the Nemesis deck plates?

Or perhaps she escaped and was running wild through the Nemesis corridors? That notion certainly didn't bode well for the tiny creature with so many giant feet stomping around, not to mention the overall distaste for humans among the Decepticon ranks. Thundercracker couldn't think of any mech who wouldn't squash a human on sight given the opportunity. Hell, most of the Decepticons considered killing humans a fun pastime. The odds were certainly not in Lana's favor if she was discovered.

Thundercracker just hoped he would find her first.

However, that was not the case; he found Skywarp first. The purple and black Seeker was bent over creeping along the corridor walls, eyes seeming to dart across the floor. Wings rocking dangerously with each heated step, Thundercracker closed the gap between them and seized the sensitive panel of Skywarp's right wing nearest to his back. Skywarp grunted with pain as he was hauled bodily to a full standing position.

"Where IS she Warp?" the big blue Con growled, yanking Skywarp back.


Thundercracker squeezed the sensitive wing panel causing Skywarp's right arm to jerk up. Unfortunately for the purple Seeker he couldn't reach his assailant. All Seekers knew where to hold one of their own to keep them from attacking and/or how to get answers.

"OW! OW! TC! OW! KNOCK IT OFF!" Warp complained.

Thundercracker shoved his wingman face first into the corridor wall, "WHERE Warp?"

"Hey! Come on TC, I thought we were pals!" he whined.

"PALS don't steal each other's stuff and then LOSE it!" the blue Seeker interjected.

The purple and black Con nodded, feeling the pressure increase with his friend's anger, "Ok. Ok. I deserve that. I DID take her...for a little walk."

"Walk?" Thundercracker's voice lowered, "According to a couple witnesses you did MORE than walk."

"AAAND...I mighta, sorta used her for a little prank on Screamer." Skywarp confessed.

Growling deep in his vocalizer, Thundercracker demanded, "Did he kill her?"

Skywarp turned his head as far as his neck servos would allow, "Why the slag does THAT matter?"

"DID he kill her?" the blue Con repeated in a gravely voice.

"I don't know! I didn't see any squished squishy anywhere so I'm assuming she escaped and is probably running around the ship somewhere." Skywarp surmised.

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