Your Pet?!

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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 2: "Your Pet?!"

Back on the Nemesis...

Lana was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown or some kind of cardiac arrest she was so scared. At first, the idea hiding in the dryer sounded like a sure-fire plan to fool the giant monsters that were after her. But instead it just made her easier to catch. After being shaken and banged up she heard nothing but the roar of jet engines and wind whistling through the vents of the dryer. In the metal dark she cried, hoping for some kind of miracle to save her from this nightmarish ordeal.

Abruptly the roaring engines died away and the whole dryer jerked, banging her against the unforgiving metal tumbler again. The small amount of clothes inside provided little cushioning. Hissing with pain, Lana tried to brace herself against the walls to prevent further bruising. Her cramped metal prison swayed rhythmically for several more minutes giving her the strange impression that she was being carried somewhere.

Lana stared in the direction of the dryer door, licking her lips. Should she open it and see what had her? Did she really want to know? Reaching out she pressed her hand to the door, willing herself to open it. Then the movement stopped and the strange rumbling sounds returned.


"Well? Are you going to see what you caught?" Skywarp asked as Thundercracker entered his quarters.

The blue Seeker nodded holding up the white metal container.

Skywarp leaned against the door frame, "I still don't get why you didn't take a look at it BEFORE we left. What if it sucks?"

"For one, we needed to leave to avoid anymore unneeded attention. And if I don't like it then I'll go out tomorrow and find another one." Thundercracker responded, slowly turning the dryer between his fingers to see where the access point was located.


Lana felt all air zip out of her lungs when the dryer door swung open, revealing a very large glowing red light encased in a metal frame. An unusual spoked cog rotated on the rim of the light, shrinking the glow to a smaller size and then widening it again. A small strip of metal flicked over the light briefly. Lana pressed her back to the wall, her breath seizing in her chest. If she didn't know any better that red light looked and behaved very much like an eye—the pupil was dilating and then an eyelid blinking.

What in the name of...?

Suddenly the dryer flipped over, placing the opening downward. Lana whimpered, bracing her limbs against the walls to prevent falling out. Below she could see that same black, metal hand ready to seize her should she slip out.

"Oh no you don't. I'm not coming out that easy." the young woman whispered with more valor than she felt.

The dryer suddenly began shaking up and down like a salt shaker. The clothes fell out, cascading lightly into the awaiting palm. Try as she might to hang on, the force of the motion was just too much for the girl to handle. Skin squeaking as she slid from the dryer interior, Lana tumbled out landing in the pile of clothes accumulated in the giant hand. She propped herself up with her hands and almost threw up her own heart when she saw what held her.


Thundercracker lifted the tiny human female closer to his optics, taking a quick note of her form.

"Hmm. Well, it looks healthy to me and I like this fuzz color." he stated, lightly stroking her head.

The human female recoiled from his touch and quickly stole a glance over the edge of his palm. Realizing the height she was held made her immediately back-pedal into his fingers. She then curled her knees into her chest and dropped her head down. The big Seeker could feel the tremors emanating from her small frame.

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