What do you want to be when you grow up?

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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 6: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Back in Thundercracker's quarters...

Lana was stunned; literally. She had feeling in her body—mostly pain. Her eyes managed to wander up to the face of her "master" who was carrying her back to his quarters. Tears of pain and unbridled emotions wet her cheeks. She almost died—five times. Never in her life had she even come close to being placed in the hospital and now her life had been nearly snuffed out five times in probably less than five hours. It was just too much for her mind to deal with, so crying and shivering were the only instinctual reactions she could muster.

Thundercracker sidled into his work chair and grabbed a large pile of blankets from inside Lana's enclosure. He placed them on his work station and then gingerly placed Lana on the pile. She limply reclined on her side, still trembling.

The big blue Con's optics flicked back and forth as he scanned the human Internet for medical journals and first aid tutorials. Lana's injuries were not life-threatening, but there appeared to be what was known as a "sprain" in her left leg. His red optics stared down at her body, performing a further scan. There were hemorrhages beneath her skin from Ravage's "playing" as well as a few skin abrasions. Her chest supports known as "ribs" seemed injured as well, but not broken. According to his research there didn't appear to be any cure for such hemorrhages. But relief for his pet's relatively undamaged state flooded his CPU. She could've been a lot worse off.

However, the sprain needed tending. According to his First Aid research the limb needed to be elevated and then cooled to bring the swelling down. Piling the blankets under her infirm leg he elevated the limb as instructed and tried to determine a way to get coolness on the injury.

Then he found a way. He leaned over toward a coolant pipe used to circulate a Cybertronian cooling fluid throughout the Nemesis to prevent any overheating of systems. The fluid was very similar to liquid nitrogen but much more stable. Resting his finger against the pipe, Thundercracker allowed his metal to absorb the very cold temperature which he then transferred to Lana's tiny leg after a moment.

Lana cringed as the large metal digit rested on her sprain, delivering a shock of cold to her limb, jerking her out of her previously stunned state.

"Ow!" she whimpered squirming away from his touch.

The Decepticon frowned and nudged the pile of blankets closer to him to reapply his cool metal to the injury.

Once again Lana wriggled away from him, pushing herself off the pile of blankets. Thundercracker made a brief growling noise and re-positioned her on the makeshift bed.

The blue Con pointed at her sternly, "Stay still."

Conceding that there was no escape anyway the young woman didn't try again.

Thundercracker shook his head crooning softly as he reapplied the cold to her sprain, "Poor little Lana. All banged up. You're lucky nobody squished you."

The young woman flinched.

"Slag that Skywarp. And just when I was getting you tamed down." he grumbled. "But don't worry, you're safe now," he reassured.

Lana, though in pain, sat up shouting, "SAFE!?" she violently gestured at the Decepticon, "I was almost dropped, crushed, stepped on, shot, vaporized, and eaten! You call that safe!?"

Thundercracker chuckled deeply at the absurd notion of Ravage eating a human, "Ravage wouldn't have eaten you."

The redhead's blue eyes flashed with fury, "YOU BASTARD! I was almost KILLED!"

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