Nowhere to Go

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A Pet Squishy

Chapter 4: "Nowhere to Go"

In the Con Rec Room...

Lana ran for her life, dodging the huge merciless feet that were trying to snuff out her existence. She scurried under a two-story-tall metal table and desperately searched for someplace to hide. Without warning the entire table lifted off the floor and flew across the room with a mighty [BANG!]. Automatically her arms flew over her head to shield herself as she ran until she saw a large metal console nearby with a small space at its back. She made a B-line for the niche and dove behind it. Successfully hidden, Lana collapsed in a heap wheezing for breath and suddenly felt the pain in her body. Over her terrified gasps she could hear the whole room roar with laughter as well as an angry screeching voice.


"WHERE IS IT?! WHERE DID IT GO?" Starscream demanded loudly, spinning around with his null cannons glowing ready to fire should he see any small form dart into his line of sight.

Only guttural laughter answered him.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! What's the matter Screamer? Scared of a little human?" Skywarp shouted through his fit of mirth.

"YOU!" the Air Commander pointed, "You put that disgusting thing on me!"

"Brilliant deduction Starscream." Astrotrain mocked in his reverberating metal voice.

"Shut up Astrotrain!" Starscream spat nastily as he stormed closer to his guilty wingman.

The drone twins Rumble and Frenzy were leaning against each other laughing their heads off on one of the metal table tops and calling in sing song voices, "Ha! Ha! Screamer's afraid of a squishy!"

In an instant, Starscream's null rays whipped around and leveled at the two drones, "SILENCE you idiotic pests or I'll have you melted down for aft plates!"

"Can I be a femme aft plate?" Rumble asked lewdly.

Frenzy slapped his brother's shoulder giggling, "I wanna be a femme chest plate!"

The Seeker snarled and swatted them off of the table with his hand, sending them crashing into the wall. Then he stomped over to where Skywarp was about ready to short-circuit from laughing so hard. In an instant, Starscream leaped on the purple Seeker and drove him to the floor, pummeling him with his fists.

"You pile of conniving scrap!" he shrieked. "How DARE you bring that thing in here and throw it on me!"

Skywarp threw up his hands to defend his face though he was still laughing, "Hey Screamer..."

"DON'T call me THAT!" the jet Con screeched driving a booted foot into Skywarp's cockpit and cracking the tough material.

At once the pain brought Skywarp out of his mirth. He disappeared from under Starscream and reappeared behind him. With a deft kick he knocked the Second in Command into the wall. The other Cons in the room began backing off, egging the fight on. Starscream flipped onto his feet and fired twin shots from his null rays. Before Skywarp could teleport one of the beams struck him in the arm, rendering it immobile. The two Seekers locked hands and began bashing each other with metal fists.

Suddenly a deep menacing voice cut through the air, "WHAT is going on here?"

In an instant every rowdy Decepticon in the Rec Room was on his feet at attention when Megatron's imposing gun-metal gray form strode into the room. His harsh red optics darted from Con to Con until they rested on his second in command and Skywarp who were still scuffling.

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