vii ~ (Another) Useless Love Potion

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DISCLAIMER: Amarepotio (mentioned later) is basically pronounced A-mare-po-SH-ee-o. It isn't a real potion from the HPU, but I know Latin is used for most of the spells, so that's how I came up with it.

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I sit in charms class, Greggory Goyle and Pansy Parkinson beside me, as Professor Flitwick rambles on about the spell we will be practicing today. My chin rests on my left arm whilst my right holds the quill I'm supposed to be taking notes with. However, due to lack of sleep, it sits motionless on the table, my parchment blank.

The source of my exhaustion comes from staying up later to brew a love potion for some second-year who gave very short notice of their order. I'm known for having a knack for potions, so fellow students often go to me for a brew--a brew with a reasonable fee, of course. Usually, I'd turn down the little runt, but he offered to pay double, and with my being cut off from the family funds until I'm of age, I figured why not?

I look over at Potter who sits across the room from me with his friends. His green eyes drowsily stare upon the teacher, brown hair messily laid upon his forehead and just barely covering his ever-so-famous scar. Like me, he doesn't seem to be paying much attention. He looks in my direction, likely sensing my gaze, causing me to abruptly look away as I sense a deep blush creeping up my neck.

"Once again, for those of you who aren't paying any mind to what I'm saying--" Flitwick sends a look in my direction as he speaks. "--relashio is a charm that makes a person, or an object, forced to drop whatever it is they're holding." He continues by demonstrating the necessary movement for casting the spell.

I see Pansy rolls her eyes. "Ugh, I already know this," she complains.

Goyle develops a puzzled look on his face. "I don't."

"Wow, what a surprise," Pansy sarcastically retorts. I smirk, a light chuckle emitting from my chest at her response.

"Now that you know what to do," Flitwick continues, "I want you all to practice with whoever is sitting beside you." The class sits motionless and silent, staring blankly at the professor before them. "Go on, then!"

Noise erupts all around as the room full of students shuffle in their seats, turning to whoever they sit beside. Relashio's are shouted from all over the room by various students.

I sit up and turn towards the girl beside me. "Why even bother?" I ask her. "We both already know this."

Pansy sighs. "Yeah, it's whatever." She looks at the elixir sat on my desk. "Hey, Draco?"


She gestures to it. "What's that? Amortentia?"

I pick up the bottle, looking at and swishing around what's inside. "Nope. Amarepotio."

"That literally sounds like the same thing," the black-haired girl comments.

Sighing, I begin my explanation. "Amortentia makes someone obsessed with whoever they look at. Amarepotio brings out any genuine feelings they already have. Some loser second year wanted me to brew her some. She wouldn't stop babbling about some girl from her D.A.D.A. class," I explain.

"Well, it smells bloody amazing, just like amortentia always does. I haven't had a whiff of that stuff since Slughorn had it made," she says dreamily.

I continue to swish the brilliant, pink contents of the bottle whilst I gaze into it. "People ask for these potions so much, I'm honestly starting to get sick of the smell," I say, voice oozing with boredom.

"I don't know that I ever could get sick of--"

Pansy is cut off by a voice that sounds like Granger shouting from across the room, "Ronald!"

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