ii ~ Useless Love Potion

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^Directly written from that prompt so credit to @clracomalfoy on Tumblr^

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Crabbe, Goyle, Draco, and Pansy sit around a table in the library. They've just left from lunch and decided to work on their potions papers together.

"I'm going to go try to find a book with some more information on the befuddlement draught, alright?" Draco announces, standing up from his chair with a stretch. His friends all nod in understanding, not really paying attention to his words. "Be right back."

The blonde Slytherin exits the area, entering the forest of towering shelves and dusty books. Pansy turns to the two boys at her side and, now that Draco is gone, proposes an idea.

"Hey, guys," she whispers to get their attention. As the two boys look up at her, she continues. "I had an idea I wanted to talk to you about. Remember in potions today when Snape mentioned a love potion that can make someone fall in love with a specific person?"

Crabbe and Goyle look baffled and stare at the girl blankly, shrugging their shoulders. "Ugh, of course, you don't." She rolls her eyes at the cluelessness of her classmates. "Well," she continues in a hushed voice. "I got an idea: Draco and Potter have always had their little rivalry. What if we slipped Draco some to make him head over heels for Harry effin' Potter? He'd make a total fool of himself."

"Damn," Goyle responds.

"Plus," the brunette continues, "I already have the brew. I knicked some from Snape's storage csbinet."

The other boy sighs. "Pansy, if we do this, Draco will obviously know someone slipped him something. When he finds out, he's going to be pissed."

Goyle scoffs. "Who cares? This will be hilarious!"

"What will be hilarious?" a familiar voice asks.

"Draco!" Pansy exclaims, prompting several nearby studiers to shush the loud woman. "Oh, nothing. Crabbe and Goyle were just thinking up this dumb ass idea to prank some Hufflepuff," she says in an attempt to cover her tracks. "You know how they are."

Draco heaves a heavy sigh and plops into his chair, a new book in hand. "I don't even want to know," he says simply.

"No, no you do not," Pansy adds with a light chuckle.

They sit in silence for a long time, simply working on the studies placed before them. Eventually, they gather their things and head to the Great Hall for dinner after working hard for several hours.

They all let out deep sighs and they drop onto the heavy wooden benches at the Slytherin table. "Ugh. I'm exhausted," Crabbe complains, head in his hand. "See, Pansy, this is why I just don't do my work."

"Yeah, well, now you might get a good grade, so long as you didn't do a shit job on the exam," she retorts.

The group eats in relative silence aside from tedious small talk. About halfway through dinner, Pansy smirks at Crabbe and Goyle, giving them a knowing look. She wiggles a small vial from her jacket's pocket, revealing a semi-transparent lilac-purple liquid.

Just as Draco reaches for the pitcher of pumpkin juice, she pours the contents into his goblet before he has a chance to notice her doing so. Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy continue to exchange strange glances through silent conversation, not wanting to alert their friend of the current situation.

However, Draco, of course, notices his friends' strange behavior. "Something wrong?" he questions, eyebrows furrowed.

Pansy shoots Crabbe and Goyle a look that reads "this is all your fault" just before she turns to the blonde beside her. "Oh, no! Everything's fine, hun," she drawls, draping a caring hand over the boy's shoulder.

The recipient of the comment looks confused but accepts this answer nonetheless. "Alright, then," he says, turning back to his food.

They re-enter their state of peaceful quiet until dinner is finished. Mounds of students exit the large, beautiful room to return to their proper dorms for some much-needed sleep.

* * *

The next morning, Pansy is excited to see the behavior of her gray-eyed classmate, anticipating the moment in which he embarrasses himself in front of his arch-enemy—and the whole school, if they're lucky.

Classes go by, but Draco doesn't seem to be acting any different. In potions, Pansy and Draco claim a table just behind Potter and his friends, but Draco doesn't seem to take any notice. If anything, he seems to be avoiding the one who he's supposed to be in love with.

However, Pansy persists, continuously bringing up the topic of Harry Potter, trying to get a love confession, or at least any kind of reaction out of Draco.

"Ugh!" she exclaims, finally giving up. "This is impossible! Did the potion not work? Is that it?" she asks the two Slytherins before her.

Crabbe and Goyle, the poor recipients of her angry, impatient rath, simply shrug, wishing that they were somewhere else. The three stroll the hallways, searching for their fourth group member.

Pansy huffs, throwing her arms up into the air in frustration. "Where is he? He just slipped off after dinner! He never does that! Do you think he's with Potter?!"

The two boys pay no mind to their friend's ranting, used to her over-sensitized temper. The group continues to wonder the school, looking for any sign of their friend.

"Pansy," Crabbe begins, "can't we just go to bed? It's late. We're—"

The girl stops dead in her tracks. "Shush! I think I hear something!" she exclaims in a whisper. The other two comply, listening for any sign of Draco.

"I think Pansy knows about us," they hear an all-too-familiar voice say. "She was being really weird today. Kept bringing you up, and insisted on sitting right behind you during potions. Made it really hard to hide what we've been hiding for weeks. It's as if she's in love with you."

"Oh yeah?" another voice questions, smile clear in his voice.

"Yeah. Too bad for her though," Draco continues.

The trio peeks around a nearby corner and their eyes widen to the size of saucers upon landing on Draco and who he has pinned against the cold, stone wall.

"Because Harry Potter," Draco leans down and kisses his companion softly. "is mine."


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I know this is bad! They will get a lot better, though. Promise:)

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