iv ~ Graffiti {ii}

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I sit on the cold cement floor of a stranger and I's holding cell, head resting on my fist as I wrap my head around the situation at hand. It's fine, I think to myself. I'll only be here overnight. I can just sleep through it.

Despite my worrying, my blonde cellmate looks much more shaken up than I probably do. He sits on the bottom bunk of the cheap bunk bed provided, tapping his foot very quickly whilst rubbing his temples as if to relieve a headache.

We've just arrived at our holding cell along with a few other people from the park who got caught. Even though I didn't actually do anything wrong, I can't prove it. So, I and the other people are being held until morning, unless someone gets a friend to pay their bail.

Most of the people who I was arrested with didn't seem too fazed, while the rest were freaking out. It was easy to tell who'd been in this situation many times before and who hadn't.

The stranger across from me heaves a heavy sigh, putting his head into his hands. "You alright?" I ask tentatively.

"Yeah. Fine," he replies shortly.

"Your response isn't exactly reassuring," I reply, receiving a troubled look in response. He stays quiet, though. "It's going to be fine," I reassure, filling the silence that he refused to. "There's no need to stress. We'll be out of here by morning."

He looks at me and rolls his eyes. "Don't tell me that there's 'nothing to stress about.' You don't know my situation."

"No, maybe I don't," I press on further. "Would you like to tell me about it? I mean, we're going to be here all night after all."

He sighs and looks away from me, instead looking outside the bars of the cell. "No, I'm good. Thanks." There isn't a drop of gratitude in his voice as he replies his supposed appreciation.

Despite his lack of eye contact, I continue my gaze in his direction. "Can I at least get a name? I never got the chance to introduce myself back there."

He looks back at me, face clear of any emotions as if to protect himself. "I suppose so," he accepts, voice just as emotionless as his expression. "I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy." The name "Malfoy" sounds vaguely familiar, but I brush it off.

I stand up and walk over to where he sits, holding out my hand for him to shake. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

Draco's eyebrows furrow a bit and his head tilts. "As in the home security agency? Potter Protection, right?"

I sit back down on my place atop the floor. "That's the one," I say.

"Hm," he simply hums in response. "Interesting."

"What is?"

The skinny man before me shrugs his shoulders. "It's just interesting, I suppose, that my parents own a large company as well—a weapons manufacturer."

A huff escapes my lungs as the realization hits me. "Ah. So that's why I thought your name sounded familiar."

"Yes indeed. I suppose it is."

There are several moments of silence as neither of us knows what to say. It doesn't seem to bother him, as he sits contently and fiddles with the buttons of his suit sleeve.

"So, you going to school?" I finally muster.

"Hm?" he hums, looking in my direction once again. "Oh, yes, yes. I'm taking a few art classes and of course, business and computer science ones as well, per father's request. You?"

"Yeah. I'm taking forensics classes, some science classes, and criminal justice," I convey.

He looks curiously at me. "What are you planning to be exactly?"

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