v ~ Dearest Draco ; Beloved Harry

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DISCLAIMER: Lily and James Potter are still alive. Students return home after a normal school day at Hogwarts. Ilvermorny, however, is a boarding school in which students stay full-time. Also, be sure to look at the letter's dates!

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August 29, 1953

Dearest Draco,

You've only just left this morning, and I already miss you horribly. I want you to just stay here in London, with me. But, I know school is important to you, so I also want you to go to Ilvermorny because it's your dream school.

I wish I could have given you a proper kiss goodbye, rather than just a "friendly hug." If only your parents hadn't been there!

At least we got to spend some time together last night, right? I want you to know that I don't regret it one bit--what we did--the kissing, I mean. I know that it's not a normal thing to do between friends, especially two men, but it can't be wrong if it felt so wonderful, right? At least, it felt wonderful for me. Did it for you? I hope it did, Draco. Oh, how I hope it did.

Of course, we can write, but I've never been the best at this. . . You know that (especially after reading this, I'm sure!). I never know what to say and I just. . . I don't know. I hope this will suffice, at least.

Anyways, how is Ilvermorny so far? When I'm sending this, you won't be starting for another two or three days; however, I'm sure you'll have well begun your second week by the time you receive this. I can't believe that you're actually in America! What's it like? Is it as beautiful as we'd both dreamt?

I know you'll be busy and overwhelmed with a new school, but I hope you can write often; I'll definitely be doing so. Anyways, Mom wants me to go help her with dinner, so I better get going.

All my love,

* * *

September 15, 1953

Beloved Harry,

Oh, Harry, I miss you too; believe me, I do. I wish I could just apparate there to you now, but, just as you can't apparate out of Hogwartz, I can't do so out of Ilvermorny. I can't leave, either, because they'll alert my father and he, of course, will be suspicious. I wouldn't have a fulfilling lie to fill our story's place, either.

I wish that our schools were right next door to the other, then we could talk every day, just as we always have.

As for our last night together, I don't regret it a minute of it. I had a wonderful time with you and I wish it could've lasted longer. And you're right: kissing--being as intimate as we are--isn't a normal occurrence between friends, especially men. That's exactly it, though: I don't think we are friends. At least, I don't want to be. I want to be more than that.

Don't worry about the worth of your letters; anything that's from you is a gift and its an honor to be able to read your thoughts.

Also, Ilvermorny has been wonderful! The people look at me strangely, though--specifically the girls. They ogle at me, which is annoying. I wish I could just tell them that I physically couldn't be farther from interested in them and that I'm already with someone back home that's an amazing man. My dormmates seem snoopy, too, unfortunately, so I'm going to have to hide our letters somewhere in my dorm. I haven't yet figured out where, though.

Despite the annoying school mates, America is wonderful. I'm in Massachusetts which isn't the most populated place. As you know, I flew from London to New York City with Father by broom before I went on my own to Ilvermorny. Anyhow, I got to see the city and. . . while London will always hold a special place in my heart, wow. . . New York was magnificent. I wish you could've been there with me, Harry. You would've loved it!

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