viii ~ Y-B-A-B

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Adaptation of the above post.^ Credits to  @ raylannya on Tumblr.

Honestly, I have no effing idea what this is, so don't ask. Also, I know nobody's really been reading this story much, but sorry for not uploading last Friday! I was vacationing in Ireland. (Which is why I'm posting two today.)

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A soft chatter reigns itself over the Gryffindor common room in which I sit. A low light burns from the fireplace, casting a soft warmth to fall over the area whilst Hermione and Ron bicker like an old married couple on the couch behind me. I, along with Draco, sit on the floor, my back leaned against the front of said couch. 

"Harry, mate, can you scoot over?" Ron asks. "I have, like, no leg room."

I sigh and gladly scoot closer to Draco, my secret boyfriend of several weeks. He, previously nose-deep in a book I don't recognize, looks to me, eyebrows raised. Without saying anything, he questions my decision of sitting so close to him.

"What?" I say. "Ron told me to."

The blonde simply smirks before returning to his book, slipping back into his own little world. 

I lie my head back against the couch cushions behind Ron and Hermione who've now resumed their bickering--something about whether students should be allowed into other house's common rooms. 

Seeing as I sneak Draco in regularly, I decide to listen in on the question at hand. 

"I just think that we should follow the rules," Hermione says. "I mean if McGonagall doesn't want students in common rooms other than their own, then there must be a reason."

I hear Ron scoff. "Harry lets Malfoy here in all the bloody time!" he defends. "Nothing bad has happened, so what could the issue be?"

I turn my head towards Hermione for her response. "Well, let's just say there's some sort of emergency," she says. "Our prefects are responsible for accounting for their house's students. If Draco is here in Gryffindor, he can't be accounted for, right?"

Looking at Draco, I await a response. However, I see that he is still nose-deep in his novel, completely unaware of his presence in the conversation around him. Upon this realization, I instead look to Ron. 

"If there's an emergency, why can't Malfoy just go back to his house, then?" Ron queries. 

"That's not the point," Hermione replies. 

With a sigh, I look ahead to the fireplace, tired of the mild whiplash I was receiving from turning back and forth. 

"Then what is?" I hear Ron retort. 

Hermione sighs heavily. "I just mean. . .Why can't we simply follow the rules?" she says with exasperation. "Really, it's not that difficult."

"Because things can sometimes be better if we don't," I say, finally deciding to give my own input. "I mean, I could hang out with Draco somewhere other than here, but neither of us are wanted in the Slytherin common room now that he's. . .associated. . .with me," I say, reluctant to out our relationship despite knowing my friends would be accepting. 

I turn around to face the couch and Hermione readjusting her seat on it, leaning foward to speak to me. "Why do you have to be with him in a common room, though?"

"Well," I begin. "I guess it's just nice being somewhere a bit more private."

Ron raises his eyebrows expectantly. "And you need privacy because. . .?"

I feel my face redden as my two best friends look at me curiously, Draco unable to back me up as he remains entranced with the words before him. "Uh, no--no reason," I say quickly, scrambling to my feet and awkwardly backing away. 

Ron cocks an eyebrow with apparent disbelief. "Is there something you'd like to tell us?"

I continue to back away until I eventually bump into an armchair. "Uh, no. No, of course not," I say, voice coming out shaky with a bit of nervous laughter. 

Hermione tilts her head and brushes a lock of hair behind her ear. "Is Draco your boyfriend?" she pushes. 

I shake my head. "No!" I say a bit too quickly. "Um, no," I continue, a bit more casual this time. 

"Oh yeah?" the woman says doubtfully. I nod quickly before she continues. "What does Y-B-A-B say when it's spelled backward?"

I think for a moment, taken off guard with the sudden, strange question. "Um, baby?"

"Yes?" Draco says, apparently coming to at the worst time possible. 

My eyes widen ever-so-slightly. "Draco!" I whisper-hiss.

"What?" he asks casually, finally looking up from his book. 

I jerk my head towards Hermione and Ron who remain tuned into the conversation on the couch. 

"I fucking knew it," Ron announces. 

"They know now!" I alert Draco, completely ignoring Ron's comment. 

Draco saves his page number before setting down his book on the coffee table. "So? The only reason we weren't telling was that I didn't want to," he says. "And, after hearing all of that wonderful conversation, I was happy to make it more interesting."

I walk back towards the couch again. "Wait, you were listening the whole time?"

The blonde rolls his eyes. "Well, obviously," he says incredulously. "By the way, Granger," he continues, turning around to face the woman. "'spell 'Y-B-A-B' backward' is so stupidly brilliant." Draco turns back towards me again. "Honestly, Harry, I can't believe you fell for that."

Scoffing, I sit down atop the coffee table and look to my friends. "You guys are okay with this?" I question, a hint of worry evident in my tone. 

"Well, obviously, Harry," Hermione stated. "I mean, we've kind of known for a while now."

Ron shrugs. "Yeah. Some of us placed bets, too," he confides. "My only concern is that Seamus owes me."

"He bet that Draco and I weren't together?" I presume. 

The man shakes his head. "No," he begins. "He bet that you'd never tell but instead continue to sneak around and act like the whole school didn't already know," Ron explains. "He owes me three galleons."

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