xii ~ Dear Rosalie, Love Dad

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A/N: This one-shot is based on Dear Theodosia from Hamilton: An American Musical (linked above)^

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Dear Rosalie Aryn Potter-Malfoy,

You were brought into this world yesterday, January 14th, 2009 at 9:18 PM by a wonderful woman named Irina, a surrogate who is a friend of your father and I's. I'm sitting in the hospital waiting room with him as I write this. He's fallen asleep but I can't seem to--the smile on my face is apparently permanent now.

I never saw myself having children--it didn't seem like a possibility. Honestly, I didn't think I would live long enough, what with my family's complicated circumstances. Thankfully, unbelievably, I did.

When we were in that delivery room--Harry and I--my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I was scared, worried I'd end up like my own father who never paid any attention to me. But then you were here and you were crying and none of that mattered. You're here and I promise your dads going to dedicate every day to making and shaping the wizarding world into a better place for you.

It's been almost eleven years since The Battle of Hogwarts, and while Voldemort and his followers are gone, there are still people out there who will think they deserve better, who think they are better. Your dad and I are going to make sure they don't hurt you, Rosalie and, when you get older, you can make this world a better place for yourself.

You're going to do great things and I will always support you no matter what you do.



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Today was your first day of school at Hogwarts, and I'm so far beyond proud. Your dad and I were standing there on the platform, watching you wave at us from the train. While I was worried and didn't want to see you go, I'm happy you'll be getting new friends and finding your passion. I'm so proud to be able to call you our daughter.

No matter what house you get into, we'll be proud of you, Rosie. You're going to do such amazing things at that school and I can't wait for the day when you see yourself as wonderfully as we do.

Even so, no matter the grades you get, no matter the friends you make, no matter how many detentions you get (being Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy's daughter, you're sure to get loads), we'll be blown away by everything that you do and we are always going to support you.

While you might never read this, I want you to know how much we love you.



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Today, you're little brother, Albus Severus Potter-Malfoy came into our lives. While I've already written him his letter, I thought it was also important to address you: his big sister.

As you both grow, you're going to become closer, but I'm sure you're also both going to be difficult with each other. Knowing our family history, he's going to be stubborn--just like you, Harry, and I, not to mention your grandparents on both sides. When he's like that, though, try to go easy on him, okay? He's going to look up to you, Rosie. You're going to be his cool older sister.

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