xiv ~ When Draco's Forced to Go Camping

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I know this is short and it's late, but I ran out of pre-made one-shots and didn't feel like writing, so I grabbed this from my Microsoft Word drafts lol. 

I've got a lot of ideas, but I'm not too in love with them, so please leave suggestions! 

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"Harry, love, I understand you love camping, but come on," Draco drawls from beside me as I pitch our tent. The sun shines brightly from above, warming our camping area and causing sweat to drip down our backs. Large, extravagant trees tower over us, giving us a bit of solacing shade from the beaming sun.

I sigh, letting out a laugh at his discomfort with the situation. "Just wait 'til I get things set up. It won't be so bad."

The blonde stands before me with his arms crossed over his chest. "Aren't you miserable?" he asks. "We may as well be standing on the sun!"

"You're not even doing any of the work!" I retort incredulously, standing upright from my work to wipe sweat from my wet-hair-matted forehead and take a drink from my water bottle. "If anything, I should be complaining."

My boyfriend sighs. "I'll try it. I'll do this, but I'm not saying I'll like it."

"I'm not asking you to," I say simply, leaning over and planting a soft kiss onto his frowning lips which instantaneously shift into my favorite, soft smile. I grin back happily and return to my tedious chore.

After a few moments of aimlessly standing there and staring off into space, Draco pipes up, "What can I do?"

"Can you go get some wood for a fire later?" I ask, squinting up at him through the bright midday light. His silhouette nods before walking around the area and picking up sticks here and there.

Time seems to pass by quickly as I get lost in my attentive state of setting up the camp for the weekend. After finishing the tent, I put our sleeping bag, a lamp, and various other necessities inside. Then, I start the fire, put the grill over it, and Draco starts making dinner.

"I'll admit," he begins, sitting aside me at the fire and tending to the grill, "even though I'm used to other cooking methods, this isn't so bad."

"See?" I say happily, glad he likes the activity as much as I do. "I told you you'd like it. How are the hot dogs coming along?"

"Aside from being processed rubbish, they're alright," Draco says sarcastically, leaning back in his folding chair and looking over to me.

Now that the sun is set, the bit of light we have is from the firelight and a dim lumos maxima that Draco put up at the edge of the campsite when the sun had begun to set. The warm light dances off his pale skin, making him appear warm—a sight I'm not generally used to seeing in the seemingly cold man. I, of course, knew this not to be true, after a little over a year of being together.

"I take it you're not too excited to be eating, them?" I inquire.

Draco laughs and shakes his head, leaning forward to turn the food in question. "No, not exactly," he says, picking one up and putting it into a bun. "It could be much worse, though, I suppose. Ketchup?"

"Yeah, thanks," I say before he hands it to me, ketchup applied, and begins to get his own.

We eat our meals and chat about hiking trails to look at tomorrow morning amongst various other attractions. "Well, at least they tasted good, hm?" Draco says once we've both finished eating.

"Not so bad in comparison to your usual gourmet?" I tease with a sly smile, playfully nudging his arm.

The blonde rolls his eyes and rolls up the bag of crisps we'd been eating from. "Oh, shut up."

I laugh. "You want to get to bed, then?"

Draco leans back in his chair and looks up to the starry night sky. "No, I don't think I do just yet," he says. "Mind if we stay out for a bit?"

"Yeah, yeah of course." Leaning back in my own chair, my eyes land on the brilliant blue blanket above and its sparkling flecks of stars. I look from one to another, entranced in their beauty. My hand finds Draco's and he entwines them, not breaking our eyes from the magnificence above.

"Thank you for taking me out here," he says with a content but reluctant tone after several minutes of peaceful quiet. "I wouldn't have if it'd been up to me, but I've actually enjoyed myself so far. Aside from the bugs, dirt, lack of a sanitary bathroom, and slightly expired food, of course."

"My pleasure," I respond earnestly with a bit of a laugh at his comment, finally breaking my gaze on the sky and looking over to him. "I love you, Draco."

His grey eyes rip from the blue above and meet my deep brown ones. He simply stares for a few moments before smiling a wide, gracious, appreciative, and loving smile, countless positive emotions evident within it. "I love you, too, Harry."

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