xv ~ A Better Version

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(Inspiration found in "A Better Version" – 36 Questions – The Podcast Musical)

* * *

"I'm scared, Harry," I whisper, my voice coming out quick and panicked. "They're going to put me in Azkaban."

The beautiful man before me sighs, shaking his head steadily. "No, I won't let them," he says softly, his hands cupping my cold, tear-stained cheeks. "I'm going to testify tomorrow at your trial--so will all of the Weasley's. I promise you, it'll be okay."

I clasp together his warm hands with my own, cold shaking ones and let out a stifled cry, lying my forehead against the cold, metal bars of my holding cell.

* * *

24 Hours Earlier

The bright, midday sun streams through the sheer white curtains of my fiance and I's dining room. I sit at the large, wooden dining table, a glass of lemonade in my hand. Before me sits a large wizard's chessboard, its pieces clashing together every few moves.

"Since someone's taking ages to make their move, I'm going get the plants watered," my fiancé Harry says with a laugh and a knowing look from across the table. He gets up from his chair and approaches the sink, filling the small, tin watering can that we often use to water our colorful house plants.

"Well, excuse me if I want to make my moves count," I taunt back with a smile, finally using my knight to take out his rook. The horse-riding piece glides forward and unsheathes a sword, slashing the tower-figure of Harry's rook to pieces.

The shorter, toned man approaches our windowsill of lilies and orchids, gently pouring water over the fully-blooming, lovely blossoms. A smile lingers on his soft lips from our playful banter and I gaze at him as the sun attempts to reach the entirety of our charming dining room but is stopped--instead landing on him and his exquisitely handsome features.

"I love you," I gush, my admiring, fond gaze not leaving his form. My words come out gently, a beaming smile present on my all-too-pale cheeks.

The raven-haired man stands upright and turns towards me. I look to his eyes and see nothing but admiration and affection in them, the lingering smile on his lips only growing wider, now spreading to his rosy cheeks. "I love you, too," Harry marvels, setting down the watering can on the table and walking over to where I sit, "so much," he utters, bending over and planting a kiss on my grinning lips.

Harry pulls away and stands upright, his hand resting on my sun-deprived cheek. After fondly brushing his thumb across its surface, he smiles at me before finally returning to his task.

"Hey, you took my tower guy!" he exclaims, returning to his seat and the game.

I laugh heartily. "Okay, one: it's a rook, Harry," I chide. "Two: you should have seen that coming. You know the knight's my favorite character--he's who I always use against you!"

Harry moves a black pawn forwards and says, "The only reason I continue to call him a 'tower guy' is because I know you don't like it," he confesses, prompting me to gasp in an overly-dramatic manner. "Besides, why is it even your favorite? The queen is literally the most powerful piece."

I sit forwards, observing the checkered board and it's scattered contents. "Except for goi--"

"Yes, yes. Except for going over other players; I know."

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