xvi ~ I Want Everything

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Heavy breaths escape my trembling lips as my bare chest heaves up and down. I sigh heavily, sitting up and rubbing my warm face as my eyes follow the twisted sheets to the man who sits at the base of my bed.

"I'm so going to be late for Defense," he says while rushing to get dressed. Don't go, then, I silently think in response. Stay with me. "Oh, and I can't see you again tonight, either. I need help with my Potions paper and tonight is the only night Hermione is available before its due." I nod with understanding and pretend to not be offended that he didn't ask me for help with Potions, seeing as I'm notorious for being brilliant with it.

After tying his shoelaces up, the Gryffindor abruptly stands up and faces me, revealing his tan skin, lightning-bolt scar, and brown locks even more unruly than usual on his forehead. "Come here," I muttered quietly.

"Draco, I'm going to be late—"

"I said come here!" I ushered this time. Harry appeared impatient but came forward nevertheless. Sitting down at the edge of the bed just beside me, he looked over with a "well, get on with it!" expression. I leaned forward and did my best to sort out the mess on his head. "There," I stated finally after a few moments.

Harry stood and collected his books. "Thank you. I've got to go now though, really."

I look down at his luxurious red-and-gold quilt that's accompanied by white sheets, twisting the sheet this way and that around my slim fingertips. "Right," I reply simply and quietly.

Opening the door, Harry turns to me one last time. "Friday night, same time, Room of Requirement?" he inquires with a cocked eyebrow.

I look up at him and nod, wondering why I have such a heavy feeling in my chest. "Yes, of course," I confirm.

"Great. Catch you later."

"Yeah, see you then." Shuffling sounds through the room before the echo of a closing door, and rushed footsteps down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room. I let out another heavy sigh and throw myself back into the pillows, pulling the sheets over my bare frame as I begin to get chilly.

I look at the watch on my wrist. Inside, a small creature swaps out the number two in 1:22 PM for a three, so it now reads 1:23 PM. Upon realizing I've got roughly another forty minutes until my last lecture of the day, I roll over in and curl up in the thick blankets that still smell of Harry. I know I should go, as I'm not supposed to be in Gryffindor dormitories in the first place, but the rest of them will be with Harry in Defense Against the Dark Arts anyways.

I look back down at the small creature inside of my silver watch and dive into my busy mind, allowing aimless thoughts to take over. It was a watch Father had gotten for me as a Christmas gift in the year prior. It was once again disappointing, as he never really got me things that meant something, but rather trivial things that one would buy for a stranger or a co-worker who was getting married.

Burying my face into the feather pillows, I breathe in deeply yet again, enjoying the smell of Harry and wishing he was here, even though I know it's silly. We've been having casual sex for a while now. It all started when he and I had run into one another late at night in the corridor. Things got heated as they always do because we're both such stubborn gits, and I don't know what happened. He just grabbed me and crashed his lips into my own when I thought he was going to hit me.

Now don't get me wrong, I've had casual sex plenty of times before. I used to do it with Pansy before I realized how insanely gay I am, but she never seemed to get the gist that I was over her. I moved onto Theo Hoffman, a popular fifth year Hufflepuff. He was a nice guy, and even complied when I told him to keep us quiet. (He'd wanted to go tell all his fifth-year friends that he'd landed in bed with a sixth year, I guess.) I ended things after that night with Harry, though. Somehow, Hoffman knew what it was as soon as I'd told him I wanted to stop and thankfully took it a lot better than Pansy had the year before.

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