xvii ~ Things Change

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It's almost three in the morning and I'm bored out of my mind

I'm well aware this story doesn't have many reads, but if you're reading this, please comment. It genuinely would mean so much to me :)

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"Couldn't sleep Potter?" a groggy, rough voice airs from farther down the long corridor. I look up, butterflies in my stomach, and my eyes meet far-off gray ones accompanied by the dim light of a wand's lumos. I put a finger to my lips and fight back the smile that nags to pull at them. "Again?"

I let out a "shh" as he draws nearer, before snipping, "Oh, shove off. You're no better."

"Possibly," the blonde replied with a slow nod, "but I'm sure there've been plenty of nights in which you wander while I'm fast asleep." A light smirk tugs at his pale, pink lips.

I smile. "And I'm sure you've done just the same as I."

Malfoy's eyebrows raise expectantly, his half-smile only growing. "Touché," he declares, dropping backward ever so slightly to lean against the same wall as I.

We reside in an abandoned corridor, only dimly lit with the casted light that ignites the both of our wands. The Slytherin beside me wears a white button-up that resides half untucked with several of its upper buttons undone and simple black slacks. Meanwhile, I sport an unfathomably unfashionable, stretched-out blue jumper and old sweatpants. Behind us, the Room of Requirement's badly-damaged door rests. While the room has returned to its functionality, it still has. . . glitches.

How did we get here, you may be wondering? How did I, Harry Potter, end up sitting and having a chat with an ex-Death Eater? Well, several weeks ago, I was out on a night just like this one, unable to sleep, and I stumbled upon a very distraught Malfoy. He tried his best to hide it and uphold his pride, but I could see the tear streaks.

I didn't try to talk to him – I knew to not even bother – but I did ensure I informed him that I had long since gotten over our silly quarrels, and apologized for anything git-like things I had done myself that influenced his believing that becoming a Death Eater was his best option at any point in time.

We didn't intend to, but we kept running into each other again and again, and we would have chats. I'll admit, they were quite nice. We didn't go too personal, but I still understood that he was put into a position where he didn't have many choices – he was forced into something because of who his parents were – just like me. Having someone to talk to that I knew understood, even if we hadn't gone there, was great.

Well, somehow, one thing lead to another and we stumbled into the Room of Requirement one night, both drunk out of our minds (Malfoy had been accompanied by a bottle of fire whiskey that night) and... got up to things.

The next morning, I woke up and he was gone. I didn't see him for a while after that. Recently, though, he's been showing up again. We haven't talked about it, of course, but I'm almost certain he remembers it. I mean, he at least remembers waking up in a bed next to me, unless he's for some reason been inexplicably obliviated.

"What time is it, then?" I inquire. "I've been out here for a while and didn't really care to check."

"Mm," Malfoy lifts his crinkled, white shirt sleeve, and checks his watch, "looks to be just after two." Draco lifts his head back up and looks over to me. For a long moment, our gazes hold and we just look at each other. A feeling of urgent twisting and turning erupts in my dinner-filled stomach. "Uh, yeah," Draco mumbles before tearing his gaze from mine, "just after two." I nod and my gaze falls downward as I'm suddenly feeling quite warm and awkward.

Malfoy continues a moment later, "So, what brings you out tonight then, Potter?" Despite my intense focus on the floor, I notice his pale features turned toward me and feel my face heat up even more, for whatever reason.

"Oh, y'know. . ." I mumble, "the usual." My fingers find the hem of my jumper and I start looping loose strings this way and that around my rough fingertips.

The blonde let out a light laugh. "Ah, the nightmares again, then?" he says lightly. "Spicy. I've simply got the restlessness."

I sigh. "Nothing special. Just the usual dreams, Malfoy," I say blankly, hoping he'll drop it, due to them being anything but my 'usual dreams.' I wasn't having my general nightmares; I was having blissful dreams about the man beside me. The one in question had been infectious to my thought process, taking over every aspect of my brain and especially invading my dreams. Get your mind out of the gutter, it wasn't anything dirty. (My imagination in regards to what he does in that aspect has already been fulfilled with that night in the Room of Requirement, anyhow.) I simply dream about being with him, in his presence – lying together on the common room couches beside a warm fire while he reads one of his precious books, kissing him on the front lawn during an especially sunny afternoon, and spending late nights just like this with him only. . . different.

"Is that all I'm going to get?" the Slytherin prods further. "'Just the usual dreams?' Come on, nothing more? I know loads is going on up in that head of yours. Quite selfish to hoard the interesting bits for yourself, really."

I laugh. "Right," I say with a roll of my tired eyes. "It isn't anything special. Just more random dreams about random situations that have either already happened or never will happen."

"Well, now I'm even more intrigued," Malfoy says, turning his frame towards me entirely now.

He retreats, though, when I send a menacing stare towards him. "Yeah, what about you then, Malfoy?" I inquire. "What's got Draco Malfoy up so restless at two in the morning?"

"Well, wouldn't you like to know?"

I roll my eyes. "Well, obviously, Malfoy. That's why I asked. Come on, keep up now."

Malfoy scoffs. "Am I not allowed to simply enjoy my good friend's presence?" he asks, voice dripping with sarcasm. I raise my eyebrows incredulously, prompting a swift chuckle from his end. "Simply couldn't fall asleep, and I was bored. Figured I'd go for a stroll and if I stumble upon Potter then so be it," he finally explains.

I nod and let out a soft laugh myself.

"What?" the Slytherin prompts.

"Oh, nothing," I say. "It's just funny how things can change so much, y'know?"

"I suppose so Potter."

Just like every other night, Draco and I carry a light conversation for another several hours. Eventually, sometime around four, we wander into the Room of Requirement where we're greeted with a large fireplace, cozy chairs, and an extensive snacks area. "I'm not hungry," I comment, wondering why the snacks appeared. "Are you?"

"Yeah, I missed dinner because I was finishing up some DADA homework," Draco explains.

As the sun begins to dawn on the slender halls of Hogwarts castle, Draco and I step foot out into them. "I should really get back to Slytherin dorms," Malfoy states with a faraway gaze to the immense windows at the end of the corridor.

"Yeah, me too," I agree with a nod. "Er, I mean—I should get back to my dormitory. Gryffindor dormitories."

"Yes, Potter, I got that," Malfoy replies with a small smile of amusement. As I turn and begin to walk away, I hear him speak up once more, "Potter." I turn around expectantly, my eyebrows raised, but, before I can even respond, Malfoy is grabbing my waist and swiftly pulling me into his slim frame, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

Instant heat flushes into my cheeks and I feel as though I'm dropping into him. As my arms snake their way around the man's neck, I lean even deeper into the kiss and Draco lets out a soft, content hum. I do the same. Just then, though, sounds of movement erupt somewhere nearby and Malfoy quickly pulls away and looks around us, for some reason looking quite alert. His hands rest on my shoulders now, mine around his waist, and he talks softly. "Go get some sleep, Potter," he says with a remarkably adorable smile. "I'll see you later in classes." Then, unbelievably swiftly, he's twisted away and is wandering south-bound towards the Slytherin dorms.

I stand stock-still with my shaking fingers frozen on the lips where Malfoy's were just moments ago. As I walk – or rather stumble – back to Gryffindor tower, a permanent smile paints my rosy cheeks. 

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