Chapter 2 Part 1: Together

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Eris could only sit in silent awe, mind spinning. She had never heard such words before. Willet was open mouthed in wonder as well. The woman careful closed the book and placed it back in its case, wrapping the leather cloth around it. The children suddenly sprang to their feet, following her to her bedroom as questions came pouring out.

"Is that really how the Celestulus got here?"

"They stole our planet?!"

"What are sa-til-tites and probes?"

"Were movies something everybody used to have?"

"What does freedom mean?"

Mama straightened, closing the trunk, and faced their grubby little faces. She smiled faintly. "Yes, that's how the Celestulus came to be on Earth. And why we serve them the way we do. And why--" she leaned closer to emphasize very seriously, "We. Don't. Fight."

Mama stood and walked back into the other room. The children looked at each other, still confused.

Eris followed the woman into the other room. "Wait, why don't the Celestulus like us fighting? Even for fun?"

"Because play fighting among humans leads to learning how to fight for real. And real fighting leads to rebellion against the aliens." Mama peered out the window, searching the sky with a vaguely worried expression.

"Ohhh." The children nodded.

Willet leaned over just enough to whisper, "What's rebellion?"

"I don't know but it sounds awesome," his cousin murmured back.

Mama turned suddenly. "I need to finish tilling the garden and start supper before your father comes home. Eris, did you start your chores yet?"

"Yes. Uh." Eris shifted. "Kind of. I-I mean, I started them, but then my--"

Mama shooed her toward the door. "Go on then. You know the rules. Chores and dance lessons before play."

Eris groaned and plodded toward the door. "Why doesn't Willet have any chores?"

Mama squeezed her chin. "Willet does have chores. Inside the house. Now scoot!" She gave her a gentle push.

Eris groaned but made her way to the barn. Her bucket was where she'd left it by the door. She picked it up and dragged herself down to the creek to haul water. After watering and feeding the chickens and gathering their eggs, she fed and watered the cows and pigs. Next she milked the cows, carefully setting the pails full of fresh frothy liquid in the house. Then she cleaned out the horses' stalls and swept the barn. When she got to the goats she found Willet already feeding them.

"They got tired waiting for you," her brother teased with a grin. "Too bad your chores take longer than mine."

Eris snorted. "Whatever." Pulling out a bristle brush, she knelt down and began to groom the small animals.

"Hey Eris. Does archery count as rough play?"

"Of course not. That's a sport."

"Oh." He looked visibly relieved. "That's good. I wouldn't want the Celestulus to come and chop off your hands for breaking the law."

Eris scowled at him, then stiffened as she caught sight of something. Six winged figures had appeared in the sky, soaring just below the clouds.

Willet followed her gaze, then asked nervously, "Should we hide in the barn?"

Eris raised a hand to shield her eyes as the aliens flew directly over them, looking like shiny large birds. "No, looks like they're just flying over."

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