Chapter 6 Part 2: Helping Mnason

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Mother wasn't kidding. Before she knew it Eris was helping load furniture and supplies into their old wagon, and helping a very hungover Father lie down on top of them. With Shade perched on her shoulder and a great deal of anxiety in her chest, the girl waved to the few friends who had gathered to see her family off.

"Take care in the big city!" Sharie called to them as the wagon pulled away.

"Don't you worry about us!" Mother waved back with a bright smile as she urged the horses on.

From the opening in the back of the wagon, Eris leaned out to wave as well. Her eyes locked onto her only close friend Cesa, a skinny quiet girl with brown hair so long it dragged on the ground. "Cesa! Don't forget to check the farm in case Willet comes back!"

Cesa nodded somberly, her dark brown eyes firm. With that, the wagon pulled out of the alley and they were off. Eris watched their friends and neighbors wave until she couldn't see them anymore. As she watched the village roll by outside, she had the uneasy sensation this would be the last time she'd see these townhouses and old storefronts. The girl leaned back against a sack of meal and closed her eyes, silently swearing she would return. Someday. She'd be back. She would. She had to.

The woman Mother had been hired by was indeed wealthy; far wealthier than Eris had known a human being could possibly be. She could hardly believe her eyes when she saw the house her family would be allowed to stay in. It was larger than a barn and twice as tall, made of a combination of materials Eris couldn't identify. And inside the house! The girl had never seen a palace, but she was willing to bet it looked like this: high ceilings, pristine furniture and decorations, elegant staircases and walls, polished floors, and fine carpets.

"Don't. Touch. Anything," Mother hissed at Eris as they sat in what was called a parlor. Hard to believe people had fancy rooms like this just for sitting.

The girl rolled her eyes slightly and stroked Shade's feathers. The bird let out a loud croak.

"And keep that thing quiet! Ugh . . ."

When the woman finally swept into the room, Mother yanked Eris to her feet. "Mrs. Edwan! Good morning!"

Eris stared. The tall slender woman wore an exotic silver gown that was so tight, it seemed a miracle she was even moving her legs. She beamed as she approached, revealing perfectly straight white teeth. Her hair was piled on top of her head in swirls of pale silver and black. "Hello, hello, hello! How is everyone? Oh! I couldn't wait for you to arrive, I just couldn't wait!"

Eris raised an eyebrow as this Mrs. Edwan greeted Mother by clasping her hands and holding them to her forehead. "Welcome to Dormere City! How do you like it so far? Isn't it just exquisite?! Of course it's nothing like the community I grew up in overseas but then, it was overseas!" She giggled in a trilling, birdlike way.

Mother chuckled in response.

The woman's eyes flew to Eris, who felt immediately uncomfortable. "And is this your daughter?!"

No. I'm her twin sister. Eris did her best to give a charming smile.

"Yes. This is Eris."

"Hi, Eris! Blessed stars aren't you gorgeous-- oh her eyes are absolutely stunning!" Mrs. Edwan bent down and caught Eris's chin in her fingers, peering eagerly into her face. Caught off guard, the girl fought to not jerk away. "She looks of school age; is she going this autumn?"

"No," Eris said flatly.

"Yes," Mother said at the same time, giving her a hard stare.

Shade flapped his wings irritably, causing Mrs. Edwan to withdraw quickly. "Oh! My my, what a . . . pretty bird."

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