Chapter 6 Part 4: Juda's Wings

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Nighttime approached, lit by rows of posts with lanterns along the streets. Eris wandered up one road and down another. She avoided the rowdy groups and creepy individuals lurking around corners and in alleys. It was dangerous out here, but there was no way she was going back to the big house while Sir Edwan was there.

She considered telling Mother about what had happened, but would Mother believe her? What if she did? Who knew what she might do? Eris climbed a lone tree on the side of a deserted street, finding comfort in its branches. She sighed shakily. I'll go back in the morning. If I can find my way back . . . I'll tell them I got lost looking for the market--

A sound from below interrupted Eris's thoughts. She looked down the tree trunk, but there was nobody near its base. Huh . . . She sat silently for several minutes, then heard it again. It sounded like the faint flap of bird wings. "Shade?" Had he somehow found her? Shimmying down the tree, Eris squinted up into the night sky. No birds . . . Odd. An eerie prickling rose along the back of her neck. Someone's watching me.

Alarmed, Eris whirled around and nearly jumped out of her skin. Slightly behind a nearby stone wall hid a girl. In the dim light, Eris saw she seemed to be around her own age. She had beautiful long hair that was brownish gold with streaks of red, and large frightened brown eyes. In her arms she clutched a plush toy shaped like a bear.

Eris relaxed, exhaling. "Oh hi. You scared me."

"You scared me. Jumping out of the tree like that."

"Sorry." Eris stepped closer, curious. "What're you doing out here?"

The girl backed away further behind the wall. "I . . . I asked you first."

Eris raised an eyebrow, then thought for a moment. "I ran away."

The girl swallowed. "Me too."

Eris gave a wry smile. Guess I'm not the only kid with problems tonight. "I'm Eris."

"Juda." The girl smiled faintly, then hesitantly stepped out from behind the wall.

Eris's mouth fell open. A pair of small white wings protruded from the girl's back. "You're . . . You're a Celestulus?!"

The girl glanced down at herself. "Uh, yes?"

Stiff, Eris glared at her. What the krell? What could a Celestulus girl have to run from?

Juda shifted, clutching her toy. "Aren't you supposed to . . . y'know, bow to me?"

Eris snorted. "You first."

Juda blinked, then frowned. "That's not how it works."

"Well maybe it should." Eris folded her arms.

Juda stared at her, obviously taken aback and unsure of what to do. Her wings fidgeted restlessly.

"I don't get it. Why would a Celestulus girl run away from home? Your lives are perfect."

Juda's wings rose, and she lifted her chin haughtily. "You don't know anything about me."

"True. How about we keep it that way." With a dirty scowl, Eris climbed back up the tree. She settled on a branch large enough to recline on, resting her head on her hands.

"I didn't know humans climbed trees."

Eris closed her eyes. "Yeah well maybe if your kind was nicer to us, you'd learn a thing or two."

There was a long silence. "My mother says the key to a perfect civilization is everyone knowing their place and staying within its boundaries."

"Might be perfect, but it's dull and miserable and unfair." Eris gazed up at the few stars she could see through the branches. "I'd rather live in a place where nobody is better than anybody else, and everyone does whatever they want. Long as it doesn't hurt anyone."

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