Chapter 4 Part 1: Taken!

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Things went back to normal after that day in the forest. Eventually Willet went back to doing his chores out of sheer boredom, and Mother allowed Eris to play in the afternoons. She didn't talk anymore about her book, but Eris didn't push the issue.

She was making an extra effort to be good so she could participate in the autumn pig slaughtering, one of the biggest and most fun events of the year. Because it was such a messy and large job, all the neighbors within a thirty mile radius would gather at each of their farms throughout the season to help butcher pigs. Not only would there be tons of food, but there would be plenty of other farm children to play with.

The summer seemed to pass quickly, full of regular chores on top of helping Mother clean chickens, can fruits and vegetables, and empty the outhouse (yuck!). But there was also fun times; fishing, swimming, hunting, exploring, and archery practice. Not to forget the traveling circus, county fair, turkey shoot, and of course, Eris's birthday. Yes, she was a big nine year old now, which Mother said meant it was time for her to start thinking about school. Eris didn't see what there was to think about. It's not like she would get to pick which school she went to. Besides, she'd rather not think about having to leave home to live in a strange place in some strange city with a bunch of strange children, only returning home for holidays. Especially since all teachers were Celestulus.

Anyway, she had bigger, more immediate problems to worry about.

"Wake and glow!" Mother sang up the ladder. It was still dark out. "Open your eyes, children. Today is the beginning of Harvest."

Eris groaned and rolled over onto her stomach. "I feel sick."

Willet yawned as he pulled off his night shirt. "You say that every year."

From below Father called, "Will. Is Eris on her feet?"

"Eh, she's working on it?"

"Eris, get up or you'll be dragged to the fields by your ankles!"

Eris sprang to her feet and began undressing quickly. Once in their day clothes, the children hurried down the ladder to grab chunks of rabbit meat and bread. Then it was time to do chores. Harvesting meant everyone had to labor all day in the fields, so all farm work had to be done earlier than usual. All the produce had to be ready in a short time for both selling and taxes.

By the time the sun had completely risen the entire family was hard at work. Eris and Willet worked picking corn and soybeans while Mother and Father worked in the wheat fields, swinging sickles to cut down the tall stalks that were then bundled into sheaves.

At first Eris and Willet had a grand time playing in the tall corn. But Mother, who often came over to check on them, was quick to put an end to that. The work was slow, sweaty, and boring as the children filled basket after basket.

Apart from frequent water breaks there was no rest for anyone until supper time, which was the only good part about the day. Roasted goose, fresh fruits and vegetables, soft warm bread, corn on the cob, and mashed potatoes. Delicious! Eris ate until she felt her stomach would rupture if she had another bite. Then it was back to work until dusk.

Weary, filthy, and sore, the family climbed into their wagon and headed home to do evening chores by lantern light before tumbling into bed for a few hours of sleep. The next day went the same way, as did the next, and the next. Weeks went by. Rain or sunshine, they worked day in and day out. Finally, when the trees were beginning to drop their bright and colorful leaves, it was done. The harvest was in for the year.

"Thank the stars it's overrrrr," Eris groaned as she flopped down under an apple tree. The first day after harvest was always a rest day. Mother and Father usually just slept most of the day, so after morning chores the children were free to do as they pleased.

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