Chapter 6 Part 5: I'll Be Ready

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Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Eris awoke the next morning with a start, completely disoriented. Before she could fully register what was happening, she was falling. A scream tore itself from her mouth as she tumbled past tree branches and careened toward the stone street below.

Suddenly she was jerked to a halt just a foot or two from the ground. Gasping, Eris twisted around to look up. A full grown Celestulus was gripping the back of her coveralls as he hovered in midair, wings beating steadily.

"Eris!" Juda, who was still up in the tree, sounded panicked. "Are you okay?"

Eris winced as the straps of her clothes dug into her skin. "I'm--grunt--alive."

The Celestulus holding her abruptly let go. Eris let out a heavy grunt as she bellyflopped onto the side of the street. "Oof! Ow . . ."

"Father!" Juda protested.

The Celestulus landed and looked up at her. "I trust you can explain the meaning of this, daughter?" His deep voice was calm, but held an underlayer of cold steel.

Juda placed her fists on her hips, indignant. "She's my friend!"

"She is a human," her father stated acidly. 

Eris got to her feet, brushing herself off. "Normally I'd be offended by the way you said that, but since you just saved me--"

The Celestulus turned to stare down at her.

" . . . I'll let it slide," Eris finished awkwardly. There was a brief silence.

"You either have a very poor sense of humor, or a very large amount of disrespect." His yellow eyes bore into her. "I hope, for the sake of your little tongue, that it is the former."

"Father!" Juda shouted, red faced. "Leave her alone!"

The man again turned to face his daughter. "You would do well to concern yourself with your own fate, Juda." He spread his wings and launched into the air, the rush of wind nearly blowing Eris over. Flying up to where Juda stood, he scooped her up by her waist. Hovering in midair, the Celestulus glanced down at Eris. "Kneel, child, and I will forgive your insolent behavior."

Eris peered up at them, eyes narrow. For a long moment, no one moved. Then her blue gaze met Juda's brown one. Juda smiled faintly, and Eris returned it.

"Not for your threat, but for saving my life and the kindness of your daughter." Eris lowered her head and dropped to her knees. There was a rush of wind, and when she looked up again they were both gone.

Goodbye, Juda. Good luck.

She was still on her knees a few moments later when Shade swooped down and landed on her shoulder. "Shade! Where'd you come from?"

"Eerriiis!" Mother came flying around the corner, startling Shade into taking off once more. "Eris! Oh thank the sun!" She wrapped the girl in a tight hug, then gripped her shoulders and shook her. "Why in Goit's name would you run off like that? Don't you know you could've been kidnapped! Or worse!"

Eris winced. "It wasn't on purpose, Mother. I just--"

"We've been looking for you all morning!" Mother grabbed her arm and hauled her down the bustling street. "I hope you're happy about costing me half a day's work!"

Eris winced as she ran to keep up with her mother's brisk pace. "Look, I'm sorry! I was just--"

"Mnason's in hysterics, Meley is beside herself, even Sir Edwan's been worried sick!" She jerked to a halt as a wagon rolled past, then dragged Eris across the street. Shade, following them from above, crowed loudly, causing passersby and street vendors to pause and stare at the odd trio.

Eris wanted to yank her arm away and scream at her mother, pour out everything Sir Edwan had done. But she bit her bottom lip and stayed silent all the way back to the big house.
To her amazement, the place was full of people. "What . . . Are all these people doing here?"

"Sir Edwan was kind enough to begin organizing a search party in case we couldn't find you nearby." Mother's tone was clipped, which meant she was extremely angry.

"Eris!" There was a flurry of sparkles and fur as Mrs. Edwan dramatically swept across the entrance hall toward them. All the adults nearby turned as the woman wrapped Eris in a suffocating embrace. "Oh my girl we were so worried! What happened?"

She drew back to study the girl, her face glittery and shiny with makeup. "Did someone take you? Were you hurt? Did you get lost?"

Eris coughed from the overwhelming scent of perfume. "Nobody took me. I'm alright. Was just . . ." She spotted Sir Edwan among the adults, and quickly averted her gaze. "An accident."

"Thank the moon you're safe." Sir Edwan approached with the perfect amount of polite relief, giving her a gentle smile. "You've caused us all a lot of stress, young lady."

Eris couldn't look at him, and simply kept her gaze on the floor.

"Apologize to our hosts. Now," Mother hissed, squeezing her arm so hard Eris was sure it would leave a bruise. 

"Sorry. Won't happen again," she mumbled.

Mother let go. "Go upstairs and apologize to Mnason. I don't want you leaving his side until he's asleep tonight."

Eris closed her eyes in dismay and groaned inwardly as she headed for the stairs. Well. At least when I'm with Mnason, Sir Edwan can't touch me . . .
That was it. Eris paused halfway up the stairs as it dawned on her. She had five more weeks until she was shipped off to school. She glanced down at the slowly disbanding crowd below; Sir Edwan was still speaking with Mother, but then he glanced up at her and gave a mild smile. Sharp terror surged within Eris, and her stomach churned despite having eaten nothing.

Yes Mnason was bad. But his father was sickeningly evil. Just like Khal. Eris glowered at the man, then abruptly continued up the stairs, jaw tight. Staying close to Mnason would be torture. But it would be safe. And if he does catch me alone . . . I'll be ready.

*to be cont*

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