Chapter 3 Part 2: In the Woods

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Hunting always started very early in the morning, when there was only just enough sunrise to see by. After breakfast Mother gave Eris a sack of food for supper to carry. Father loaded up his quiver with arrows sharpened to a deadly point and slung his long bow over one shoulder, then grabbed his javelin. He handed Willet a small stone dagger, then the three of them set out.

Even though she wasn't allowed to do anything but watch the whole time, Eris was elated to be outside striding alongside her father and brother. Willet was chattering with excitement, swinging his dagger at the blades of grass like a mighty warrior.

"Arg! I'm going to get a buck! A gigantic one with antlers this big! Hugh! Yeeaw! And I'll get a wild boar, and some rabbits, and--"

Father caught his arm, gripping it hard enough to make the boy whimper. "This is a tool. Not a toy. And no one will be catching anything if you don't keep quiet." He released Willet and continued walking briskly.

Scowling, Willet rubbed his arm. "Why didn't you tell me I'm supposed to be quiet?" he hissed at Eris as they both hurried to catch up.

She reached up to a corner of her lips and made a key-turning motion. This was Willet's first hunt and Father was teaching him. She could not interfere.

They walked for several miles in silence before reaching the edge of the forest. Eris found herself paying attention to the wind, noting its direction. Alert, her eyes began searching for tracks, animal excrement, bedding, and water sources like she'd been taught. Because it was now summer, she knew most game would soon be deep in the forest hiding from the heat and hunters, if they weren't already. Father was walking along the treeline hoping to catch something returning to the woods for the day.

Eris adjusted the strap of her sack, lagging behind. Though she'd gone hunting quite a few times, she'd never had to be the one to carry the food. It seemed to grow heavier every few minutes. Things got even harder once Father led them into the forest. Maneuvering the thick foliage, logs, and severely uneven terrain was tricky with the extra weight. She almost forgot to keep a lookout for poisonous plants, grabbing Willet just before he wandered through a patch of wood nettles.

He was getting tired, she could see. She was too, but Father showed no signs of slowing apart from pausing to examine the ground here, or the bark of a tree there. There was nothing they could do but follow. Suddenly Father began to move differently, more nimble and silent. Eris felt a smile cross her face: he was on the trail of something. She gave Willet an encouraging pat on the back as they quickened their step, trying to be as quiet as possible. But hunting was never easy. On and on they went, deeper into the woods. The sun rose higher, causing them to sweat despite walking in constant shade. This was strange. They should have come upon a sleeping buck or something by now.

Finally they approached what looked like a large, heavily overgrown and long abandoned structure. Eris stared up at it, awed. She'd never seen anything like this. It seemed Father hadn't either. He paced in front of it, studying the ground. He was frowning. "Beast went inside," he muttered, turning to stare at the dark, vine-infested opening of the structure.

Eris followed his gaze. It wasn't made of wood that she could tell, or even brick or stone. Curious . . .

"Alright. You two stay here." Father glanced around. "Wait on that fallen log over there. I'll be back."

"Wait, I'm supposed to be learning to hunt," Willet protested. "Can't I come too?"

"This is an ancient building. There could be traps. Or worse." Father prepared his bow. "If the buck is not inside, we will go back to the plains and I'll teach you how to catch a rabbit." He met Eris's eyes. "If I'm not back in twenty minutes, return to your Mother."

"But I--"

He raised a finger in warning.

"Yes, Father."

She and Willet made their way over to the giant moss-covered tree trunk resting on the forest floor. Father made sure they were seated before making his way toward the ancient building. Without a glance back at them, he stepped inside and soon vanished from sight.

*to be cont*

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