Little Troublemaker [Kano x Reader]

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This was requested by @Yamori-sama! I had fun with this one. I had the idea in my head and as soon as they requested this I knew what I was gonna write. Thank you so much for requesting!
You were always a party animal. You loved going the the Black Dragon lair and watch fights. Occasionally, you would sit on a beam and drink beer all night with a couple of friends. It was for the view. You always liked the party life. No one was ever around to tell you what to do.
   One night, you got a bit tipsy. Your friends had gotten you a fine whiskey for your birthday. Knowing damn well you would probably get drunk, you had about two shots. You later disappeared into the crowd of people to dance your ass off.
   What you didn't know was that someone had kept an eye on you the whole night. They were captivated by the way you danced. The lights that reflected off your skin made you look radiant. He just had to ask for your number or something because, damn. You were beautiful.
"Hey, girly. Are you planning on dancing all night, or are you gonna be leaving with someone?" Kano had walked up to you. Is Kano flirting with you? You knew who he was. He kinda ran the whole place...
"Is that really any of your business?" you burped as you kinda struggled to keep your posture.
"Lemme take ya home. I'll make it worth your while," Kano realized you were actually drunk when you turned around and not sober like he thought you were.
"I think not," you started walking away.
Kano let you off the hook, but it wasn't for very long. He followed you to the back where the bathrooms were. He figured you were probably gonna throw up your guts. When he turned the corner he saw you taking a blunt from someone. They seemed to be good friends with you, seeming they would just hand it to you like it was nothing.
"Oi, what are ya' fellas doin' back 'ere? I never said smokin' blunts was allowed! Get yourselves out a' here!" Kano ordered. Almost immediately everyone scrambled out the hall except for you.
"Are you some kinda creep, buddy?" you questioned. You poked at his chest with a frown on your face.
"No, I'm just tryin' to take care of a little troublemaker. I'll make er' fee better," Kano crosses his arms.
"I'll tell you what would make her feel better," you batted your eyelashes and mocked his accent. "Stop following me," you walked pass him. Kano reaches for your arm and takes a grasp of it.
"I don't think so, girly," Kano replies.
All of a sudden you pulled out a pocket knife you usually used to open bottles. Kano immediately let go as soon as he caught sight of it. You pointed it at Kano. "I don't enjoy people telling me what to do, buddy," you got a bit closer. "Don't touch me again."
You seemed to have sobered up. You thought it was time to leave this shithole. You were about to escape, but before that could happen you felt a hand grabbing ahold of your wrist very tightly.
"Listen here, girly. 'Round here, you follow my rules and my directions, and I'm telling you what's good for ya," Kano's tone turned very stern-like. Almost a dark husky voice.
You turn to him and slap him across the face. "I thought I told you not to touch me again," you crossed your arms.
Kano simply held his cheek and smirked. "Ooh, fire. I like it," Kano composed himself and sighs. "Listen, I'm not asking for much. I'm simply asking to take you home."
"No silly business?"
"No silly business," Kano raised his hands up as if to show he was innocent.
You thought about it. You knew you couldn't ask one of your friends, knowing they would stay here all night long. "Fine..." you hesitate.
Kano walked you out, he acted as your bodyguard for a short time so he could get you out of the large crowd.


Once you guys exited the place and got to a quiet alleyway you tried to spark up a conversation. "So..."
   A moment of silence...
   Kano sighed.
   "What's your name, little lady?" Kano finally asked.
"Yeah, I know who you are. You basically run the place," you roll your eyes. "Um... How'd get to be the "owner" or "leader" of this place anyways?" you try to keep the conversation going.
"Simply by saving a life and fighting a couple of drongos," he smiled.
"Uh-huh," you squinted your eyes as if you were confused.
You walked a bit ahead of Kano. It gave him some time to take a look at your ass. Damn. (Don't say you don't have one because we all do. Take it as a compliment. :D) He noticed a tattoo peeking out from under your pants.
"Is that a tattoo?" Kano realized that he said that aloud.
"What? No!" you sounded a bit defensive.
"What is it then?" Kano smirked.
"N-Nothing! Stop staring, you ass!" you walked a bit faster. Kano simply chuckled. You sighed and slowed down a bit. "I got it from a past ex-lover. We thought about getting matching tattoos. That's how deeply in love we were."
Kano glances over at you holding your arm and rubbing it. Your eyes looked glassy. He immediately looked away. "It wasn't until after he cheated on me I finally woke up," you sounded angry now. "I regret getting the tattoo. I regret everything, really. Regret is what really shapes my life."
You clutched your fists until they turned white. You stopped in your tracks and turned away, hiding the tears. Kano stares at you and reached for your hand. He didn't know what he was doing.
You looked back at him with tears still streaming down your face. You were confused. "W-What are you doing?" you frowned at his actions.
"I honestly don't know," he leaned in to kiss you. Your dry lips tasted like salt. He didn't care though.
You were still crying while he kissed you. You relaxed yourself as you slowly wrapped you arms around his neck. His scruffy chin made you itchy but you kissed him back anyways. He hummed at your response as he held your waist.
You pulled apart for some air and leaned your head against his chest. He didn't say anything, instead he held the back of your head. You wanted to stay like that for ever.
"Are you ready to go home?"
"Y-Yeah..." you hesitated again and look up at him. The tears had dried up but your eyes were still puffy. Kano caresses your cheek and hold your hand.
Take me home...

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