Around The Mountain Range [Nightwolf x Tribe Leader! Reader]

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   NOTE: I actually have no clue as to what I'm doing where I went with this. Just know that I kinda read up on Nightwolf. Hopefully this makes sense culturally and game-wise. If I have something wrong don't hesitate to correct me. I'll gladly change it.

   You were a young woman of an Indian tribe, not to mention the Chief's daughter, but when a group of raiders attacked your people and murdered your father, the role of "Chief" became yours

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You were a young woman of an Indian tribe, not to mention the Chief's daughter, but when a group of raiders attacked your people and murdered your father, the role of "Chief" became yours. Female tribe leaders weren't common in the valley. The Northern Tribe's Chief? A man. Southern Tribe? Man. Eastern Tribe? A man. This didn't bother you though. Your people had faith in you and saw you as a strong and tactical leader. They practically loved you.
However, at some point you had to marry. To "keep the bloodline alive" is how your father explained it to you. This, however, did bother you. You just weren't ready yet, but you had to for the sake of your people.
You spent the most of your days simply looking over the tribe and making sure everyone and everything was in order, and that everyone was happy.
While out at the market for some ingredients (it's for a soup you've been working on), you run into your childhood friend.
   "Grey Cloud, hello," you smile.
   "Chieftain," Grey Cloud pounds his chest with arm in respect.
   "It's been a while since we've talked. How long has it been? 15 years or so?"
   "Yes... I do believe it's been a few years."
   "Haha... A "few" years is an understatement. Tell me... Why did you leave?" you turned to him.
   "I... I don't know..."
   "You left your people... but you don't know why?"
"Right..." you gently placed your baskets handle around your arm and walk back to your small hut, Grey Cloud following behind. "Take a trip with me. Maybe we can restore old time's sake."
"Where to?"
"Around the mountain range."
"And the village?"
"I will leave it in the hands of my cousin, Y/C/N."
"How long will our trip be?"
"It will only be a three day trip."
"And what of the raiders attacking the village?"
You laugh out loud, "You have so many questions considering this is the first time we've spoke in a while. Please, do not worry. The people trust me, and for them to trust me, I must trust myself," you smile.
   After packing up and saying goodbye to everyone, you mounted your horse and left the village. Grey Cloud rode a few meters behind you. "So, tell me. What have you been doing in the time you've been gone?"
   "Fighting? Fighting what?" you were curious.
   "Enemies of the Earth. People who aren't from here," his tone seemed serious.
   "I see..."
   "I go by another name as well. They call me Nightwolf."
   "Nightwolf? Would you rather me call you by that name?"
   "No... I rather you call me by my birth name."
   "Of course," you smile.
   The rest of the time was mostly silent but there was still small talk.
   "Where are we going exactly?"
   You never specified where you two were going and you didn't realize.
   "Oh! I'm sorry... There's a waterfall at the end of the stream we're following. It's about a  three day trip there and back."
   "I'm still not sure about leaving the village unattended."
   "Like I said. There's no need to worry."
   You and Nightwolf, or do he's called, found a small crevice in the mountain side to rest. You worked together to put together a small fire to stay warm as the night gets colder. You looked out at the valley and spotted an elk buck not too far away.
   "Do you remember when I saved you from that elk you were hunting?"
   Nightwolf scoffed and nodded. You laughed and he smiled as you told him the story. He went out to look for an elk that he believed was able to feed the whole village. You found him on the floor as the beast was about to impale him with its huge antlers. You threw a hatchet into the back of the elk's skull. Nightwolf found himself in awe. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
   "I'm afraid I do remember. I thank you for that."
   "That was a long time ago. I quite missed you while you were gone. I... I'm afraid to say that I forgot you too..."
   "I'm sorry I left so suddenly," Nightwolf's expression looked pained.
   You sighed and smiled, "That's behind us now."
   You two got ready for bed and spread animal pelts across the floor. The fire was out and the moonlight had never shined brighter. Wolves howled in the distance and owls hooted from the treetops.
   You had a hard time sleeping on the floor. You turned around and hoped for a better sleeping position, only to face a Nightwolf staring. "Can I help you?"
   Nightwolf seemed embarrassed to be caught staring. "No... I'm fine..." There was a pause. "Goodnight."
You scoffed, "Goodnight."
The sun rose and you both were already packing up for the day. You rode out at first light, following the ride ahead. You both took a few stops admiring the view, or spending some time with each other. Before you knew it, you two were closer than ever.
    By the time you both reached the waterfall, you looked to each other and smiled. "We're here. Finally."
   You looked around in astonishment, though it's been a while since you've visited the place. The roaring waterfall was certainly a sight to see as the sun's rays hit the water. It made it seem like the water was glistening.
You both set up camp for the night and decided to spend some time by the water side. After chatting for a bit, you didn't realize how disgusting you felt after not bathing for a while. You knew you both had the same idea after looking toward the waterfall and exchanging glances.
Dusk started to fall but the waterfall only shined brighter in the night. The only light that shown was the pale moonlight. You undressed yourself and slowly stepped into the water. It was cold and refreshing, giving you a sense of relaxation. You knew Grey Cloud had taken the other end of the small lake, but you couldn't help but feel like being watched.
You waded through the water and under the small waterfall to wet your hair. Letting the water hit your back, you hear a small splash behind you. Spinning around, you quickly grab a knife-like rock from under the waterfall, only to see a tall figure rise from under the water.
"I apologize for intruding on you... I wasn't trying to spy on you... I..."
You recognize the voice as Grey Cloud. "Y-You... YOU PERVERTED SON OF A-," you started cursing in a foreign language and covered yourself with your arms. A loud slap rang out but Grey Cloud seemed to be unfazed.
"Y/N, please. Let me explain..."
You stopped a moment to look at his face. He seemed to be truly sorry.
"When I saw you... in the moonlight... I thought you were beautiful... like a wildflower blooming in the Spring. And even before that, I thought you were beautiful... Y/N..." he paused to look you in the eye. "I love you..."
Before there could be an awkward silence, you placed your hands on his burly chest and kissed him quietly. His hand placed on your side pulled you ever so closer, and the other cupping your face. Before you knew it, you two were sharing kisses in the moonlight...


OKAY, GUYS! I FINALLY FINISHED IT! YOU GUYS PROBABLY HATE ME AND I'M SORRY! Thank you for being there and supporting me! This book is slowly starting to grow and it's reached #1 in almost every tag, which is like, pretty cool. Again, thank you, I'm procrastinator, and I'm sorry!

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