Wake Up [Kung Lao x Reader]

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   Thank you, @deadquxxn for requesting this! I deadass could not think of an ending so it's kinda trash... Sorry.
As a child your parents didn't want you, you left them. You knew they wouldn't care so at the age of eighteen you left with no remorse. However, you only brought talent and potential with you. You played flute in the market streets to make an acceptable living.
One day, Raiden stumbled upon you during a street fight. You were grateful. He offered to take you along with him and you agreed as you needed a place to stay. He brought you to a man named Bo Rai Cho. Immediately you loved it here and Bo Rai Cho loved you dearly. Eventually, you met Liu Kang and Kung Lao. As the days went by, the three of you drew closer to each other.
The distant sound of birds can be heard from outside. Inside, was you sleeping ever so soundly. All of that was coming to an end.
You felt a hand on your shoulder shaking you lightly. You then get the cover of your blanket being pulled away from you making you shiver in response. You started stirring and mumbling.
   "Wake up," a voice whispered to you.
   "Five more minutes," you mumbled and curled into a ball to keep warm.
   "Get up!" the hand started shaking you violently. Your bed was kicked and that's when you had the last straw. You slowly sat up holding your head in you hand. You groaned and opened your eyes to see Kung Lao on the left side of your bed and Liu Kang, who is holding your blanket, at the end of your bed.
   "What time is it?" you said quietly. You looked out the window to see the dusky-colored sky, the color orange seemed to be peeking up from the horizon.
   "It's five in the morning, Y/N," Liu Kang said softly as he folded your blanket and placed on your bed.
   "Why so early?" you sat with your legs crisscrossed.
   "Bo Rai Cho wants us up early for training," Liu Kang explained.
   "Yeah, but we're running late because you can't seem to get yourself out of bed," Kung Lao crosses his arms.
   You tsked and sat at the side of your bed. "I'll get ready." You got up and looked for clothes, only to realize the two were still in your room. "Well? Are you gonna get out?" you gestured to the door. They shrugged and exchanged glances. "Get out!" you shoved them out the door and into the hallway. The sound of the door slamming echoed into the hallway.
You walked out while tying a band around your waist. You looked up to find Lao and Liu waiting patiently for you. They leaned against the wall as if they were cool.
   "I thought you two were outside already," you stood in front of them.
   "Well, someone wanted to wait for you," Liu looked over at Lao who seemingly pretended like he wasn't listening.
   "Right..." you looked back and forth between them. "Let's get going then."
The three of you head outside and take in the fresh air. Bo Rai Cho seemed to be waiting for you all as he sat on a stone wall. He smiled as he noticed you grabbing a sparring stick.
"Why do you get to be the "favorite." It's not fair," Lao steps into the sparring area and got into a fighting stance.
"Well, I guess we all have to live with it," you shrugged and smirked. The both of you start sparring and dodging each other's attacks.
   "Have you been practicing?" Kung Lao asks.
   "No, why?"
   "This feels different... I don't know," Lao seemed to have been slowing down. You swept his feet and he simply fell backwards with a grunt. He propped himself up and faces you with a frown on his face.
   "Trust me, I think it's you who needs to practice," you help him up with a chuckle. The both of you start laughing as you lightly punch him on the shoulder. Lao smiles and you grin.
   As dusk approached, you snuck out toward the forest with your flute box in your hand. You walk along the stone trail and off the road along a hidden path. You listen to the soft flowing of the creek and the birds and frogs quietly singing before bed. The moonlight had shone through the canopy above and reflected off the creek water. You simply kept walking.
   The roaring of a small waterfall can be heard from afar. It gets louder as you move closer. Finally, you reach your destination, a small lake with medium length grass surrounding it. A large rock covered in moss sat in the middle of the lake. The water seemed to be glowing, giving off a blue light to see in the dark.
You walked along the stepping stones that lead to the rock in the middle. You sat crisscrossed on the rock and the moss acted as a blanket beneath you. You place your flute box on your lap and gently opened it, revealing the beautifully polished wooden flute inside.
   Placing the box aside, you ran your fingers along the smooth edges of the flute and began to play. It wasn't long before you heard a distant snap behind you. You stopped playing and your eyes shot open, scanning the area. Something was moving from within the lush grass. You threw a rather large rock and heard an "ow!" from the grass. You grabbed a conveniently sharp rock.
   "Woah! It's just me!" a familiar voice called to you.
   "Kung Lao?" you put away you dagger.
   "Sorry. Did I scare you?"
   "Hah! As if," you scoffed.
   "Whatever. How did you hear me? It's kinda loud with the waterfall and all," Kung Lao seemed amazed.
   "It's called listening to your surroundings," you grinned.
   "Right. What are you doing here? It's late," Lao crosses his arms.
   "I could ask you the same thing. Wait... Did you follow me?" you laughed as he started blushing.
   "What! No! You didn't answer my question! What are you doing here?"
    You glanced at the flute box lying on the ground and looked back at Kung Lao. "Nothing."
   "Oh, yeah? Then what's that?" Lao points at the box.
   "Like I said, nothing," you picked up the box and sat on the ground. You leaned back against a rock and invited Lao to sit next to you. He walked over and sat as you both looked off into the distance awkwardly.
   "So, um... What's in the box?"
   "Stop asking!"
   Lao reaches for the box successfully grabbing the box's handle but you pulled on it. "Just let me see! It's not going to hurt!"
   "Let go!"
   The box had finally given up and slipped out of your grasp. It opened and revealed the wooden flute. "Is that... Is that a flute?"
   "Ugh! I can't believe you, Lao! ," you pouted.
   "How come you never told me you played the flute?"
"I don't know," you shrugged. "It's just something I like to keep to myself. I come out here to play every night, to get away for a bit."
"Listen, I know you're the favorite and all but Rai Cho needs to give you a sleeping schedule," Lao shrugged.
You started laughing and smiled at him. "Thank you."
"For what?" Lao laughed.
"For making me feel at home. You're a pain in the ass sometimes, but you're still my best friend."
"Heh, right...," Lao seemed disappointed. "Look, there's something I've been meaning to tell you... I just haven't found the time."
You looked quizzically at him.
"Y/N. I love you," he mumbled.
After a moment of silence, you couldn't figure out what he was saying. "I can't hear you! The waterfall is really loud!"
"I love you!" Lao rolled his eyes and shouted.
Kung Lao sighed and hesitantly cupped your cheek. You were about say something when Lao suddenly inches forward and his lips met yours. You took a moment to process what was happening but kissed back anyways. You both pulled away and stared at each other.
   "Y/N. I love you."
   "I... I love you too, Lao," you buried your head chest as you hugged him tightly. You pulled back and started laughing. "Now, when's the last time you brushed your teeth?"
   "Hey! I brushed them this morning!"

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