Chapter 5: The Most Awkward Confession Ever

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Heart still beating fast, I wash my hands, whistling a tune. I'm super happy that Dan likes me. How he likes me? I don't even know. But he does, and that's what's important.

I then hear Arin's voice say, "Dan, can I tell you something now?"

"Sure," Dan says. "What is it?"

   Arin pauses. "Actually...never mind..."

   Dan sighs with disappointment. "Come on, man. Tell me!"

   "'s not exactly my information to tell," Arin says.

   And now I know what he was about to say. And I think Dan might get it out of him. I mean, now that I know that Dan likes me, it wouldn't be terrible for Arin to spill the beans that I like Dan back, but that's information I wanna tell him myself.

So I burst back into the living room dramatically, saying, "I'm baaaack~!"

Dan and Arin look at me and smile. "How was your bathroom break?" Dan asks, still red from his confession.

I shrug. "Like any other, I suppose." I sit down on the couch next to Arin and, just because I wanna be mean, ask, "So, what conversation topics were touched on while I was away?"

Dan turns an even darker shade of red and begins to stutter. "U-uh...n-normal" he trails off, not knowing what to say.

Arin looks at me with a look that says "you know what we were talking about, don't you?"

I respond with a small and subtle nod.

   Arin smirks. "This is getting juicy," he mouths, licking his lips.

   I nod once more. How Dan doesn't see this, I don't know.

   "You know, I'm gonna have some fun with this one," Arin mouths. "Hey, Dan!" he calls.

   "Y-yeah?" Dan stammers, smiling as normally as he can.

   "(Y/N) knows what we were talking about!" Arin says with a smirk.

   Dan turns a dark shade of red. "O-oh..," he mutters, looking down and fidgeting with his hands awkwardly. "I-is that true, (Y/N)?"

   Poor Dan. I feel so bad for him. Now he knows what it's like to have Arin make a fool out of him. He doesn't deserve this...

   I decide to put Dan's mind at ease, even if it means I have to lie.

"What? How could I have heard you when I was in the bathroom?" I ask.

I can see Dan's tense body relax a little. He still seems suspicious though. "But...why would Arin say you did know, then?"

"Because she does!" Arin says. "She just told me she knows!"

"Arin, I didn't even say anything about what you guys were talking about!" I say. Well, it's not a lie. I didn't say anything. I just nodded.

"You told me with your nod!" Arin says, getting annoyed now.

   "I didn't see her nod," Dan points out.

   "Because I didn't!" I say convincingly. I don't understand how I can flawlessly lie sometimes but completely freeze up other times.

Arin sighs with frustration and crosses his arms. "You did and you know it," Arin grumbles to me.

I shrug. "Maybe my head had a spasm. Because I don't remember doing that."

Dan completely relaxes now, sighing with relief. I'm about to say "why so relieved?" but think better of it, since that's putting him in an awkward position. I decide to just leave it be for now.

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