Chapter 8: Hm...

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I'm walking through Arin's house when I feel someone grab my wrist. I stop walking and say wearily, "What is it, Arin?"

When I don't get an answer, I sigh and turn around, but it's not Arin that has my hand.

It's Dan.

"Oh!" I say, the weariness that was in my voice gone. "Um...what can I do for ya...partner?"

What am I saying? "Partner"? Really, (Y/N)?

"You can just listen to me and not say anything. There's something really important I need to tell you," Dan says, reluctantly releasing my hand.

"Okay...speak away," I say with a shy smile.

He smiles at my smile and grabs both of my hands this time. "I know that we haven't even been on a date yet...but we don't need to go on one. I already know that I really, really like you. And I want you to be my girlfriend." He smiles a little. "Okay. You can speak now."

I tense up, extremely happy to hear those words. But uh, isn't this...whatever this is...moving a little fast? Like Dan said, we haven't even been on a date yet. "Um...this is moving a bit fast..," I say, looking down.

"I know," Dan says, squeezing my hands. "I know. But...I don't mind how fast this is moving." He begins to look nervous. "Do you..?"

I try to decide if I mind it or not. And after a bit, I come up with an answer to Dan's question.

   I smile shyly and say, "No...I don't."

   Dan smiles and takes my face in his hands. We look into each other's eyes, slowly starting to lean in.

   Before I know it, my lips meet his. Dan pulls me close to him and wraps his arms around my waist. I rest my hands on his chest as he deepens the kiss. I run my fingers through his long hair, amazed at how soft it is.

   Dan pulls apart, making me sigh in disappointment. He looks at me, smiling. "So...wanna go on a date..?"


   My eyes flutter open, my face as red as a tomato due to the dream I just had. I sit up, running a hand down my face. Wow. That dream was certainly something...One of the better ones that I've had.

I'm about to lay down and go back to sleep, since I'm tired (and since I wanna have another dream about me and Dan). But I smell something that makes me sit up once again.

What is that? It smells heavenly.

I gasp as I realize what it is.

Biscuits and gravy!

Arin and I used to have it all the time for breakfast. Our dad was the one who made it, and let's just say his recipe made my tastebuds rejoice. Arin would practically beg to have it every morning.

I spring up from my temporary bed and dash into the kitchen, passing a sleeping Dan on the way there. Even though I'm running past him, I still notice how cute he looks when he's sleeping. He's snoring softly and is smiling a little in his sleep.

Once I get to the kitchen, I whisper to Arin, who's cooking, "Biscuits and gravy?" I guess Suzy's still sleeping in her and Arin's room, since I haven't seen her yet.

Arin smirks, turning to look at me. "You know it, sis. I know how much you love it."

   I hug Arin tightly. "Thanks, big bro!"

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